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Critical review of Island of the Blue Dolphins (novel)

The book, the Island of the Blue Dolphin, talks about a girl named Karana who got trapped on an island and could not get back to where the rest of her tribe was. She also lives through a lot of difficulties like whether she follows her tribe's rule not to make weapons or to make weapons to save herself. She also makes many friends in the end. She used to have a dog named Rounto, her son, many birds that she made friends with, and a sea otter. In this essay, we will talk about forgiveness, friendship, and loneliness.

Forgiveness is when you let people go even if they harmed you in the past. In this story when Rounto killed her brother and still shot her, Karana took care of the dog instead of killing it and took it back to her home. That dog kept fighting for her until the dog died. If you forgive some people then you can be good friends later on in life. Also, you can just leave them and they might not harm you again because you are too strong or they are happy that you let them live. In this paragraph, I talked about forgiveness.

Friendship is when you make friends with other people. In the Island of the Blue Dolphin, the main character makes friends with dogs, birds, and sea otters. This shows that she loves animals, that she can kinda communicate with other animals and expresses their feeling that she loves nature. This is because at the beginning she thought that the Aleuts would kill all the sea otters. Many humans are not interested in animals or plants so do not ruin them. The animals have feelings like we do and try not to hurt them. In this essay, I talked about friendship with animals and other people.

Loneliness is when you are lonely and this can happen at any age. In the story, Karana was 21 - 27 and she felt lonely because all she had was animals. When she discovered someone else she was excited because she did not talk or see anybody for so long, she forgot how to talk. Many people sometimes feel lonely when they do not have anybody to talk to and nobody with you. If you overcome it and make friends with animals slowly, you will manage it. In this paragraph, we talked about loneliness.

In this essay, we talked about forgiveness, friendship, and loneliness. Many times these things will connect with each other. If you forgive someone they might show respect to you and later you will be friends with each other. That was the connection between Forgiveness and friendship. An example of forgiveness, loneliness, and friendship is that when you forgive someone they might comfort you when you are lonely.

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