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Critical Review of Flowers and Freckle Cream

The story flowers and freckle cream by Elizabeth Ellis is about a young girl who has freckles and is envious of her beautiful cousin with perfect skin and a thin waist. One day, she sees on the back cover of her cousin's magazine an advertisement for freckle removal cream but it is expensive so she saves up money to buy it and then purchases it. She waits many weeks for it to finally arrive and stalks the mail to make sure her family doesn’t see it. After a while, she gets it and puts it on. She then goes outside to work on the field. The cream does the opposite effect but then she looks at a mirror and sees herself. Her mother tries to talk to her when she starts crying but the grandfather tells her to go away and says she is still beautiful in her own way. She cries herself to sleep and the next morning she finds a tiger lily on her pillow. This book teaches us about different ideas, attitudes towards imperfection, and that there is beauty of different kinds.

Around the world, there is vast diversity in  cultures, viewpoints and ways of thinking. People from different backgrounds around the world have different opinions on what is considered good looking or what is normal for this certain place. The girl thinks that the peach skin and thin waist looks good to her but in other places it could be considered ugly for the people native to that place. Back then in America people liked the looks of her cousin but in other places and time periods the way we see someone can change. Another example is that she thinks the artificial freckle remover would make her look better because then she won’t have freckles but in other places freckles look good and are considered high in status. Not everyone will have the same opinion or idea about something that seems so obvious to us and in our own community.  People in different corners of the world view beauty and other ideas differently.There is no universal standard of beauty across the cultures.

People have many different attitudes towards imperfection and ways to deal with it. Some people try to get rid of it, others try to encourage it and some just let it be. The girl thought imperfections were bad and needed to get rid of them because she thought it made her look ugly. The mother thought like the girl and wanted to change it. The grandfather thought her imperfections were what made her beautiful. The mother and girl thought the same about imperfections because of each of their own unique views on it. The grandfather thought differently because he was old and understood more about life then they did so he didn;t agree with them. Attitudes on imperfection can vary based on the type of person we are and the traditions that we follow in our hometown.

Beauty comes in many forms like natural beauty and artificial beauty. Different people may see it with different views or standards which might greatly impact how an individual sees themselves. The girl who lived in America thought the idea of beauty was having a thin waist and having peach colored skin that didn’t have freckles like herself. This made her feel like her natural traits were flaws and unattractive, even ugly.The girl wanted to be pretty so much that she put a type of artificial beauty, freckle remover, on herself to try to be like her cousin. This is one way of becoming beautiful in her perspective but her grandfather gave her a different one, natural beauty. Ultimately we need to try to appreciate our own beauty instead of trying to change our looks just in an effort to please others or meet social expectations.

The story Flowers and Freckle Cream by Elizebath Ellis is about a girl with freckles and is a very inspiring book that teaches us about the different ideas and cultures around the world, the attitudes related to imperfection, and the different opinions on beauty. Around the world, people have different ideas based on where they live, how they grew up, and the traits of that person. This leads people to have different ideas on imperfection, for example, how to deal with imperfection like leaving it, getting rid of it, or trying to make it seem more obvious. Beauty is also a debatable idea like how people have different ideas, beauty is also an idea that people talk constantly about and also about what beauty in a certain place is. In the world, there are countless different ideas who have come up from separate backgrounds and are bound to have isolated opinions. When we feel like we're not up to other people's standards, we have to feel confident about ourselves and realize the unique beauty in all of us.

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