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Critical Review of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-Bright Side of Human Nature

Humans can often be completely unpredictable, as they have many factors influencing them, and causing them to change and move. Human nature comprises the fundamental characteristics and dispositions that end up causing certain types of behaving, thinking, and feeling. There are many horrible parts of human nature, such as greed, but there are also good parts, such as the importance of being kind and helping others. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, we are treated to a view of many of the best parts of humans, like their innate kindness, yet we also see how these actions can be taken advantage of and dominated by worse traits, such as a greed and desire for wealth and profit. It’s important to recognize when others are being driven by greed or a desire for revenge so we don’t end up as collateral damage in their pursuit for satisfaction. Human nature is formed of many traits, such as kindness, hypocrisy, and greed, and they all help to balance each other out. When we can find out the most powerful of these traits in another person, we can help everyone avoid harm.

One of the best parts about human nature is that it includes kindness as a major, common trait. Kindness is a fantastic trait that allows others to help each other, with no thought for their own gain. It helps create bonds of friendship that last for eternity and allow the world to improve. Kindness is a driving force for many people. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, many of the people in the story were very kind, such as the two men who, being afraid of catching the plague, instead chose to excuse themselves by gifting forty dollars to Huck, something that many people might not have done, marking them as a kind group. Another example of kind people are the people who had donated to the king for turning pirates into Christians, raising more than eighty-seven dollars. However, the king misused their trust and kindness, instead putting it towards his own gain instead of satisfying their trust. Kindness may be overcome by greed, but it is still very admirable when someone is kind to another because it shows the bond that forms from a person getting help from someone who doesn’t seek to gain anything. Kindness is incredibly helpful and makes people nicer and better, but it has to compete with greed attempting to take advantage of it.

Trusting in another person to do something well for you can lead to great benefits and friendship, but others often take advantage of the trust someone has in them to manipulate and use them. If you accurately place your trust in another person, it can help you relax, but it can also help the other person steal your money and harm you. We need to be able to learn how to trust the right people and avoid those who instead use their greed to gain trust and profit off of other’s loss. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huckleberry Finn and Jim both trusted the Grangerfords very much. They felt like they were very protected, and this trust was well founded, and they could relax for a few days. However, some people place their trust in others for no reason, ending up with a loss of money and trust. An example of this is found when the two scammers create a horrible performance, with no interesting parts, but everyone believes it is good, and so they waste their money, creating a lot of profit with the two scammers. Making sure that you don’t take advantage of others' trust causes everyone to be able to place their trust in people that are trustworthy. When you truly believe in the person you trust and the trust is well founded, then you stand to gain quite a lot.

Having the courage and bravery to stand up for others and help stop the flow of greed and desire can be incredibly helpful in times of need and danger. When we are courageous enough to go against the stereotypes and thoughts and beliefs of others, we can achieve things that most people can’t even imagine. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim managed to escape, which was something that had been done, but was very rarely known of and seen, because he had the courage and the bravery to stand up to unfair slavery. It was very impressive, mainly since most people hadn’t even known that a slave would have the courage to do so, because they thought of them as sub-human and closer to animals. When your heart is in the right place and you believe in your actions, you can accomplish much more than if doubt is in your mind. Sadly, there are people who simply are greedy and love profiting off of others' doubt and misfortune. We need to use every aspect of ourselves to help combat the horrible greed and evil that some people have.

The best parts of human nature are the importance of being kind to another, the trust we place in each other, and the courage that allows us to defend one another. With the ability to be kind with no thought of gain for ourselves, we can easily overcome obstacles with the help of others. With trust, we can believe in each other and build ourselves up, instead of tearing each other down. Using bravery and all the courage we have, we can fight back against greed and other traits on the dark side of human nature. We have to be able to make sure that the brightest side of our nature prevails, and manages to help us overcome the darkest side, where our greed, hatred, and anger rules. The bright side of human nature is incredibly important and useful because it helps us complete tasks that are more difficult than any before.

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