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Critical Review of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-Bright Side of Human Nature

The society people live in is always filled with diversity where every individual possesses various humanity. Humanity, or human nature, refers to the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans. The term is often used to denote the essence of humankind, which could be good or bad, bright or dark. Sometimes, the sides of human nature are difficult to identify because of those obscure hidden actions and frauds. It’s always delightful to interpret the bright side of human nature, rather than the dark sides in a “civilized society”. In the novel Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck experienced good humanity from different strangers and was treated with leniency, kindness, generosity… After Huck and Jim’s escape toward their idealistic freedom, Huck met a nice woman named Judith Loftus, who tolerated Huck by not turning him in despite his deceit toward her. Continuing his journey, some men gave Huck money after hearing his fake “family condition”. Additionally, Huck’s adoption by the Grangerfords reveals the demonstration of kindness toward him. 

Judith Loftus’s exposal of kindness and willingness to help Huck is an evident example of the bright side of human nature. It’s crucial to understand that we should always show gratitude and feel luckiness toward those valuable people, no matter what social status or identity, who truly manifests a will of sincere caring to us. Extra tenderness and warmth given by good willed givers sometimes cause the recipient to reflect on themselves, therefore gaining a sense of guilt for his/her past mistakes. Since the beginning of Huck's counterfeit appearance of a girl named “Sarah Williams”, Ms. Judith Loftus already has suspicion on him. She purposely avoids embarrassing him because she understands Huck being an immature runaway apprentice. But rather than simply ignoring Huck’s pretense, Ms. Judith Loftus patiently interrogates him for his real identity(which he fails to give) because she wants to support and guide him toward his paths. At the end, she even notifies Huck to send for her whenever facing any hardships. Loving-kindness doesn’t mean loving everyone, but that you show empathy toward people around you. Ethical mindfulness is another trait, where honesty defeats the dark qualities in humanity, which involves avoiding any actions of trickery or lying. 

Another example of the bright side of humanity is the act of generosity, which corresponds to unselfishness and opposes over suspicion and greed. Usually, generosity relates with sympathy, or empathic concern, where we deeply connect our emotions with struggles and care for it. The virtue of human generosity is shown in the scene where Huck meets some men capturing escaping slaves on the boat. Huck fakely elaborates his family's condition of suffering from smallpox. After hearing Huck’s story, the two men decide to give Huck forty dollars due to their fear of infection, and dismisses him further downstream for curing advice. Through contact with Ms. Judith Loftus and the men, Huck feels guilt and bits of shame. The good side of guilt in human nature is that moral emotional compass that discerns bad behaviors. Therefore, liberality in human nature is more of a key towards self reflection and guiltiness.

The Grangerfords family displays the bright side of human nature by their enthusiastic welcoming of adopting Huck into their community. Warmth and moral righteousness shows the spirit of goodness among kind people like the Grangerfords. In the story, the Grangerfords welcomed Huck, who denied himself as a shepherdson, into their house and supplied him with food, clothing, and shelter. Mr. Grangerford, an aristocratic gentleman, together with other brothers, acted well-mannered and respectful toward Huck. Enjoying their kindness, Huck can’t think of any more comfortable than settling with the Grangerfords, causing him to pay considerable respect. The family is regarded as civilized, and their good humanity results in the advancement of their civilization. Despite living in aristocracy, with an elite lordly attitude, they expose generosity, caring, and kindness toward Huck. Offering utmost hospitality without being really familiar to those ordinaries shows a significant bright side of human kindness and having a warm heart. 

There are many things that build up the bright aspect of human nature. Kindness, tenderness, will of giving, generosity, moral righteousness, caring, and warmth are all great examples of humane virtues. Some virtues can be innate, other righteous characters are usually developed over time of civilized education and self-cultivation. When people grow throughout their lifetime, they undertake more responsibility, experience several facets of humanity, and nurture their conversant one. Although it has been said that the darker side of humanity is more pervasive with persistence, the brighter side of human nature, when fulfilled to a certain high level, is also  difficult to deteriorate. The concept of empathy is the key toward willingness of giving, where caring individuals can’t bear the harsh situations of the ones who suffer. In fact, to some degree, the extra kindness given by people of good merit could cause guilt and embarrassment to those who meant to spoil, trick, or disappoint them. It’s exceptionally important to keep in mind that there always tends to be a balance between the good and evil, dark and bright sides of humanity. As a result, we have to cherish those people with good humanity. 

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