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Critical Review of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - About Freedom

Freedom is a fundamental right of life, and many people have it. But often, the liberty we all hold so dear isn’t extended to other people who are different from us, simply because they are slightly different physically. Liberty is incredibly important in allowing us to use our imagination and work as productively as possible, instead of being bound by constraints that hamper our abilities. If we have freedom, our stamina increases, we feel unburdened by others, and we can easily accomplish the most difficult tasks, because we are motivated strongly. True freedom comes from bravery, strength, and goodness. The only one who can take those from you is you. But if others start creating doubt in your mind, then slowly they will take away your freedom, by making you believe you are in captivity.. We need to remember what’s right and what we should do in the pursuit of freedom. We always need to protect our own rights and help others keep their own freedom.

Attempting to gain freedom makes us do the most courageous and daring things, and can also help us finally become liberated. Sometimes, with the company of our loved ones, people can be content to simply stay there. But the peace will never last, and the tranquility will be broken, prompting us to seek a better life. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Jim was an enslaved African American. His master wasn’t cruel to him, but she treated him like an animal, and nothing more. Jim was fine with that because she had said she would never sell him, so Jim could stay with his family, but sadly, the allure of money and the pull of greed made her finally agree on a price. This caused Jim to finally run away, going against what he had been taught, because he needed freedom in order to rescue the rest of his family, because otherwise he would have been separated from his family with no way to help them. Clearly, this created a positive change in his life, allowing him to adventure with Jim and have lots of fun. His life drastically changed, but mostly positively. This shows the importance of freedom. When freedom can allow you to achieve your dreams and help people you care about, it becomes much more attractive.

Escaping pain and violence can also be a great motivator for pursuing freedom, as freedom would be the hope of a better life. When you know that your current life is horrible, you are willing to sacrifice for the hope of a better one. You will become more determined and ready, and try gaining freedom in order to reach for a small hope that you can have a better life. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck had to obey rules and avoid being uncivilized, and he chafed at the lack of freedom. Once his father freed him, he was happier, but he still wasn’t completely free, as he had to face abuse and many beatings every day. He finally started realizing that he would have to face this forever unless he did something about it, and so he ran away, covering his tracks and utilizing his father’s laziness to make it seem as if he was drowned, knowing that his father would never swim all the way down and check. Knowing that you can improve your own life allows us to be decisive and finally become free. With freedom comes a feeling of happiness and the loss of a large burden. Liberty allows us all to achieve more and feel unshackled by the pull of pain and sorrow.

Freedom contains many important ideas and is the hope of many, which is why we must always remember to help try and give it to as many people as possible. When people are in slavery or without freedom in other ways, they must languish, unable to accomplish anything important, slaving away. They long for freedom solely because they want something to halt their boredom. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck and Jim worked together to escape their past, where Huck didn’t want to be civilized or face abuse at the hands of his father and Jim wanted a fresh start as a free man and able to buy back his family. They were both determined and were strong enough to achieve it together, so they teamed up. A common goal can unite people, as Huck and Jim were both willing to sacrifice all that they used to have in order to finally be free together. Two men united is stronger than both of them separated, and the pursuit of freedom can help us all unite and attempt to achieve a common goal. Liberty allows us all to become unrestrained by the beliefs and thoughts of others, and reach our full potential by giving us motivation and a drive.

The importance of freedom lies in the fact that it makes people more happy and allows them to work harder and be more productive, while also allowing them to use their imagination to creatively solve problems. Liberty can make us feel better and also allow us to be less bound by other stereotypes, which is why slavery is so negative. Slavery steals our courage and our free thought, instead replacing them with mindless obedience and utter incompetence. Freedom does the exact opposite. It makes us more courageous while we try gaining freedom, and gives us the skills we need to obtain it. Freedom is incredibly important, as it is the right of all people to have it and be unrestrained by anything, which is why we must always try our best to keep it, for us and for others. Freedom is a fundamental right that all humans should be granted when they are born, and it is our duty to help make sure that is so, so that everyone can reap its benefits and improve.

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