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Critical Review of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - About Freedom

There are many ways freedom can exist in this world, and is significant in the human experience of our self-realization and growth. In most countries in the olden days, slavery was allowed and is not against the law. This meant that taking in slaves for them to work for you and do “slavery” for you was legal. In Tom Sawyer + Huck Finn, Mrs Watson took Jim in as a slave. At first, Mrs Watson may come out as extremely rude and strict to Huck, but she is nota  bad person. Because slavery was allowed, and therefore nothing was wrong with what she did. Freedom is something that should exist in everywhere of the world, mainly because of how important it is to those who do not have the ability to obtain freedom, like Jim in Huckleberry Finn. Even though Jim is blind-loyal to Mrs Watson, us readers know that he does not have the freedom like regular kids. This is why Huck aids him to escape from the house on a raft, and even though Jim refuses at first, he finally gives in to it, since we know that everyone deserves, and wants freedom. Freedom exists in many countries and places, but not everyone can have it entirely. Because there is always people who long for freedom but never gets it. Jim is lucky that Huck was willing to help him escape and help Jim find his own freedom, as well as offering to be Jim’s friend when he had none but Mrs Watson. Freedom is a trait that should be offered to each person in this world, and everyone should get the equal amount of freedom.

Freedom is a term when someone is free of any slavery (though not necessarily always about slavery or working for someone in a slave-like manner) or something that is restraining them from being free. In Huckleberry Finn, we see that Jim does not have the freedom like Huck and Tom does, roaming around the country, and Tom even nearly had the idea of forming a ‘band’ of robbers. He is a slave (and an extremely loyal one) to Mrs Watson. MRs Watson treats Jim like a slave, but Jim is too loyal to notice anything about it. It is a fundamental right cherished by all, a cornerstone upon which civilizations are built, and a driving force behind the pursuit of justice, equality, and dignity. For the world’s statistics on slavery, Switzerland currently allows the most freedom for their country, with an index of 9.11, which is high. FOllowing closely is New Zealand at 9:01, and Denmark at 8:98. Some of the lowest freedom choices are Syria, with a freedom score of 2.96, Yemen, 4,43, Sudan, with a score of 3.81, and Myanmar, a score of 3.88. In a world brimming with difference and segregation, freedom includes tolerance and respect for differing viewpoints, recognizing the worth and rights of each person.

Freedom exists in many countries and places these days, but it was one of the most common desires to people in the olden days, they wanted freedom. Because of many slaves, they obviously want to have freedom of speech, freedom of their environment, and freedom of their own choices, not just locked or kept inside a house doing chores all day. Even now, many people. Regardless of their age, they want freedom too. Because freedom is something most people desired and wanted, and still is. In Huckleberry Finn, Jim tells himself:”All right-that’s mighty good: they won’t find me, they’ll think I’ve been killed, and floated down the river, there’s something up there that’ll help them think so-so don’t you lost no time, Jim, but first shove off for the big water (ocean) as fast as verb you can.” Huck at first fakes his death to get out of his abusive father’s grasp, and gives his experience to Jim, who decides he would like to try it out himself too. While it promises liberation, freedom also demands responsibility, requiring individuals to exercise their rights with mindfulness of the impact on others and the collective welfare. 

Why is freedom so important; because it gives you the privilege to express your thoughts and speak your own mind. Freedom gives you the opportunity to take the risk, make mistakes, learn from them, and improve your skills again. Freedom leads to increased productivity, creativity, and high quality of life. The four types of freedom relate to freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and also freedom of fear. Theyare sometimes simply referred to as freedom from fear and freedom from want. If there would be no freedom, individuals such as Jim would have to be subject to the will and control of OTHERS, rather than themselves. They would not have the ability to make their own choices and would have to conform to the rules and efulations set forth by those in power of them. Freedom is needed in countries with lower human freedom rates, since we need to make sure that there is a reason to live in life, and we shuolnt be held back by those in charge of us. This is why Jim left Mrs Watson to seek his own freedom. Freedom from want and freedom from fear is both something we should look out for; as freedom should follow us everywhere we go. 

The ability to speak your own mind and share your opinions is what makes freedom so vital. Being free allows you to take chances, make errors, grow from them, and rehone your abilities. Greater productivity, creativity, and a good standard of living are all correlated with freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear are the four categories of freedom. Sometimes people just refer to them as freedom from desire and dread. People like Jim would have to submit to the will and authority of OTHERS rather than themselves if there were no such thing as freedom. They would be forced to comply since they would be unable to make their own decisions.These days, freedom may be found in many different nations, but in the past, people's greatest aspiration was freedom. Due to the large number of slaves, it is evident that they desire freedom of expression, freedom of their surroundings, and freedom to make their own decisions rather than being imprisoned or housed all day performing duties. Many folks even now. No matter how old they get, they also desire freedom. Because the majority of people still want and seek freedom.

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