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Critical Review of Aaron’s Gift

The story Aaron’s Gift by Myron Levoy talks about how he found a pigeon in the middle of the road and it could not fly so he took it home day after day Aaron takes care of the pigeon well because his grandmother is a master of taking care of birds. Aaron was feeding it popcorn and different food daily so it became fatter. However, he planned to give the bird to her grandmother for her 60th birthday. This made him more motivated to mend the wing for her grandmother. After a few days, Carl The gang that Aaron wanted to join told him that he could join if he brought the pigeon. Then when he he came home to grab the pigeon his grandmother told me a story about the emperors in Ukraine after the good emperor got assassinated a very bad leader got up and started to kill people. One time the emperor got to their house and then broke and killed all of them. Then when he got the pigeon the gang trapped him to burn the pigeon but he escaped with the pigeon and escaped by flying. Then His grandmother thanked the gift that was better than anything and that night he realized that the goat had also escaped. In this essay, we will talk about freedom for everyone, family, sense of belonging.

Freedom for everyone is important because it is not far when someone does not let someone have any freedom. The bad emperor did not let anyone have freedom because in every house he stepped in he would destroy everything in the house. The pigeon also was getting freedom. The pigeon at the beginning could not have freedom because he did not have wings. In the end, he got freedom because Aaron fixed his wing, and in the end when he was running against the people in the gang, and ended up flying away and gaming his freedom. The First Emperor in the grandmother’s real story gave people and people enjoyed staying there. But the second emperor did not give any freedom and this made many people angry. I think what Aaron did was good because he gave a bird freedom. Most people would just leave it and think it is not my life I do not care, but Aaron cared for it and gave it freedom. In this paragraph, we talked about how freedom is very important to people.

Family is important because they take care of you and they give you good advice because they have been through many things they are going to tell you what helps you become more successful. In the story, Aaron’s mother told him not to join the gang because she knew it was bad. However, Aaron did not listen and ended up getting beat up which would not have happened if he had listened to his mother. The reason he tried to join was because he thought he would have more privileges. What Aaron did was wrong because he should have listened to his mom. He should not have joined because it would be a waste of time. When have gangs ever been good? In this paragraph, we talked about how family is very important for our lives they care for us and give us good advice.

A sense of belonging is important because many people do very well but they have bad luck. In the story, Aaron wants to join the gang. The pigeon was not made to stay always on the ground it was made to fly and move around to different places. Aaron tried to join the gang but he did not join because they were going to burn the pigeon in a fire. So he got the pigeon and ran but the boys in the gang caught up to him but the pigeon went to where it belonged out in the air on roofs and everywhere. Aaron also ended up where he belonged at home. What Aaron did was not right because he was trying to go to a place where he did not belong. The pigeon finally ended up where it belonged because Aaron took care of it and it took off. In this paragraph, we talked about how a sense of belonging is important because if you are where you are supposed to be you could save yourself from a lot of trouble.

In this essay, we talked about freedom for everyone, family, and a sense of belonging. The story is a great example of helping others because this would not have been a story if someone else before him had helped out the bird and not ignored it. However, it is spontaneous because it found a person to help heal his would and let him bear freedom. This story also is a very good example of freedom because the bird did not have freedom, but it got freedom from Aaron. The second emperor in the grandmother’s story is selfish and does not care about the other people that he is destroying. He does not have freedom and so this is why he is remembered as a bad guy that was ruling Ukraine. We should not do a lot of dangerous things because the gang is not good it is running other animals' freedom which is not good at all.

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