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Critical Review of A Mason-Dixon Memory

A Mason-Dixon Memory is a nonfiction story about how black people should be treated fairly. The story talked about how the main character, Clifton, remembered a part of his childhood while listening to Dondré’s story on the news. Dondré told everyone how his white friends stayed with him when the golf tournament they were at didn't allow black people. Their team decided to not compete in that tournament because of the racism the tournament showed to Dondré. Dondré’s story reminded Cliften of a similar event in his childhood. Cliften’s childhood event was about him going on a school excursion after working hard for the money. He was the only black student on the excursion. They visited some exciting places, but one of the destinations, Glen Echo Amusement Park, is over the Mason-Dixon line where people disrespect black people on the other side. Cliften was really sad because he couldn't go with his friends, but after his friends found out about the situation, they stayed with Cliften and went to watch baseball together. This story is very entertaining and meaningful. It mainly talked about racism, friendship and the way we should fight for freedom.

Racism has been in human history for a really long time and it still hasn't completely stopped today. Racism is how people change the way they treat others based on their skin color. People tried and successfully stopped most of the racism in the world, but there are still some left. Children or young adults can get very sad and depressed if racism interferes in their lives or blocks them from achieving a goal. Even adults can be scarred by racism because of how hurtful it can be. In the story, Cliften’s childhood memory would have put him in a miserable situation for a long time if his friends didn’t come and help. Cliften is lucky that the lady told him not to goto the park because people on the other side can do both mental and physical damage to him. Racism is one of the worst decisions humans have made. It is very wrong to be racist and it will hurt others more than you think it will. Racism should be stopped and humanity should be rejoined.

Friendship brings people together, makes life more entertaining and most importantly can solve most of your problems. Friends are people who you enjoy playing with and who help each other out all the time. Friends are an important part of life and it will clear all the loneliness you have. Helping hands is very nice to have when you are in a bad or sad situation. In the story, when Dondré had been rejected by the tournament, his friends did not leave him. Instead, they help Dondré by staying with him and leaving the tournament. This act by Dondré’s friends made him feel better and helped other people who listened to their story who are also in a not very good situation. It is always good to have people you can trust, help and get help from in your everyday life. Have good friends, be a good friend and help others with your friends.

People had been fighting for freedom and the end of racism for a long time. The world changes as the fight goes on. Humans used weapons like guns in the past, but in the modern world like right now, weapons are not a good solution. Love and courage are the best things to do to fight. People are working together to fight racism. Although we won against racism in the past using fists and guns, lots of people sacrificed for the victory. We should not use violence again. Instead, we shall use our powerful minds and intelligence to fight. In the story, Dondré fought for their freedom using speeches to inform others and use actions to stop racist acts. Dondré changed the country while Cliften only changed a small group of people. Although Cliften’s fight back towards racism is small, small fights gathered together could beat racism. You might not be included in the fight for freedom, but you can share your love and courage to help the fighting people.

In conclusion, racism is a global problem that humanity should work together to solve. Although racist events happen less, It is still bothering a lot of people. Normal people like you and me can’t make a very big difference, but you can make small changes to fight racism. You can use love and courage to heal others who got hurt by racism and warn and stop rude people who are being racist. You can also be friends with more people to help them when they are in trouble. We should all work together to clear racism in our world.

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