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Critical Review of A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens talks about an old man called Scrooge that loved money more than anything. He used all of his time on working and also thinking about how to make more money and how to save more money. He was also a freaky man that was always cold. Nobody wanted to say hello to Scrooge because they knew that he wouldn’t answer. He didn’t answer because he needed to save up time to work harder to make more money. He didn’t care about anyone until he met three spirits on Christmas. Scrooge had always hated Christmas. The three spirits changed his mind by showing his past Christmases, present Christmas and the future Christmases. After Scrooge saw himself in different times, he knew the meaning of money and life. He found that using his money makes him happy and also makes others full of joy. This book tells us the meaning of money and life.

A person’s surroundings and childhood may affect her future. A person’s childhood may let that person remember it for a long time in her future. She may have believed the same things when she was young. In this book, Scrooge had always saved up money and tried to earn more money for himself. He was actually influenced by his childhood. In the book it states that, “Then, with a rapidity of transition very foreign to his usual character, he said, in pity for his former self, “Poor boy!” and cried again.”It shows that Scrooge was actually poor when he was in childhood. He wanted to be rich when he was an adult. He had always saved everything when he was a child. So, he still tried to save the money for himself. He was influenced by his childhood of always saving up money. A person may still keep a habit since she was in childhood.

If a person kept saving money and not using it, the money may ot have a use to him. A person is a miser. He or she may only want to keep his or her money and not use it to enjoy themselves. In the story, Scrooge was a miser that only thought of saving up money and earning more money. He had never enjoyed himself and made himself happy by using his money to do and buy something that he wanted and liked. But, the three spirits were great helpers to him. The three spirits helped Scrooge to change his mind of always saving up money. “A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow, than I have given you, for many a year! I’ll raise your salary, and endeavour to assist your struggling family, and we will discuss your affairs this very afternoon, over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop, Bob! Make up the fires, and buy another coal-scuttle before you dot another i, Bob Cratchit!” In the dialogue above, Scrooge was eager to make Bob’s salary higher. He didn’t only care about his money and also others. If people are eager to fix their mistakes, then they may do and think of different things in a different mind.

Different holidays spread different meanings to the people. Christmas was a holiday that was shown in the book. Christmas meant a family gathering together to spread joy to each other. We can see this holiday’s meaning from this book. Bob Cratchit’s family no matter how busy, they will always gather together as a family to celebrate Christmas.“ “A Merry Christmas to us all, my dears. God bless us!” Which all the family re-echoed. “God bless us every one!” said Tiny Tim, the last of all.” This part of the dialogue shows that Christmas is a very important holiday to Christians and Catholics. Christmas is a very important holiday for Christians and Catholics to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas is a holiday to let love and joy spread through every person. Christmas also made people gather together to celebrate it no matter how busy they are. Holidays gather people together to spread goodness to each other.

A Christmas Carol tells us a story of Scrooge changing his mind during the times of him with the three spirits of Christmas. Scrooge from this story tells us that a change is never later. A person can change at any time. Scrooge was such a miser and very old. But, it doesn’t bother him to change his mind about money. A change is never late. Scrooge changed his mind after he met the three spirits. The first spirit made him find out why he became a miser. He started to change his mind which was shown when the second spirit told him that one of Bob’s children was going to die. He started to care about others. After the third spirit came,Scrooge finally knew the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is a holiday full of joy and love.

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