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Critical Essay of Pride and Prejudice 2 - About Neighbourhood

Neighbors play an important role in many ways has a significant contribution to our daily lives and can influence us in many ways. “Pride and Prejudice” written by Jane Austen clearly showcases the importance and function of neighbors. The Bennets have many neighbors that greatly influence their process of decision making. Neighbors can also greatly influence and maintain societal norms and expections which is greatly demonstrated in “Pride and Prejudice”. The Bennets are surround with neighbors with different social rankings and each neighbor has a different view and attitude towards the current situation of their neighborhood and all uphold standards for the young Bennet girls and girls of other families. However, it is also important to note that neighbors can both be allies and enemies. Not all neighbors are as nice as they seem. Mrs. Long, Lady Lucas, and Mrs. Phillips are all important neighbors portrayed in “Pride and Prejudice” and have a great impact on the Bennet family and the development of the story.

Sometimes the most powerful people are those who appear the least. Minor characters in many books are often the ones with a) hidden intentions or b) great meanings that may not seem so obvious in the beginning. Throughout the whole novel, Mrs. Long makes 14 appearances. However, despite only appearing 14 times, she symbolizes the impact of societal expectations on individuals' lives. Mrs. Long often gossips and much information goes from her to the other women of the society through gossip.  Her conversations provide insight into the mindset of the time. She is a great demonstration of the time when personal desires and relationships often took a backseat to societal expectations and material gain. This emphasis on social expectations and norms serves to highlight the pressures that characters like Lizzy face in their pursuit of love and happiness. She also demonstrates the consequences of following societal pressures rather than following one's true desires. Although Mrs. Long is a minor character, as a neighbor, her involvement in gossip and her contribution to misunderstandings greatly influences the course of the story. 

Neighbors can represent the values and mindset of the society/community. In novels, neighbors can function as a “highlighter” that highlights the flaws in the main character(s). Lady Lucas is portrayed as a pragmatic and practical woman who is concerned with securing a match for her daughter, Charlotte. While Mrs. Bennet is overly dramatic and focused on marrying her daughters off to wealthy suitors, Lady Lucas takes a more measured and rational approach. This action then highlights the extremes of Mrs. Bennet's behavior and highlight the different approaches to marriage and social status. Lady Lucas demonstrates the pressure women at that time faced when trying to secure a suitable match and the need to conform to societal norms. However, despite this, she is still close friends with Mrs. Bennet demonstrating the importance of good bonds with your nieghbors. Though Lady Lucas is too, a minor character, she greatly demonstrates the function of a neighbor. She supports the Bennets like what a neighbor should and her pragmatic actions contrasts those of Mrs. Bennet, highlighting the different mindsets & perceptions of people in a community. Lady Lucas highlights importance of strong connections with neighbors, offers a pragmatic perspective on marriage, and showcases the impact that neighbors and friends can have on one's life.

Different people can have different views on the pursuit of happiness vs the pursuit of love and marriage. Some people, especially those with traditional views such as those living in the Victorian era find that finding a good match and having a good marriage without taking love into account is more important than the pursuit of happiness. Mrs. Bennet really wants to get her daughter married off to wealthy men who can provide financial stability, without taking into account her daughter’s feelings & happiness. Mrs. Phillips, however, has views on marriage and life that contrast Mrs. Bennets’. Mrs. Phillips, unlike the fretful Mrs. Bennet who is trying to secure marriages for her daughters has a more lighthearted and carefree attitude, frequently hosting parties for the neighborhood. Mrs. Phillips serves the function of a neighbor as shes is the example of a social butterfly who helps maintain social interactions and connections by hosting parties and gatherings. Although Mrs. Phillips may not have a major role in the novel, her amiable and sociable nature helps develop connections in the neighborhood and demonstrates the influence of neighbors on individuals.

“Pride and Prejudice" showcases the function of neighbors and demonstrates the impact they can have on one's life. Mrs. Bennet plays a major role in the novel as she is the mother of the Bennet girls. She is surrounded by many other women who are her neighbors and in some ways they are similar and in some ways they are different. Mrs. Long functions as the gossiper of the community as much information goes through her. Throughout her 14 appearances in the novel, much about life during the Victorian era can be understood throughout her mindset and personality. Lady Lucas is another neighbor with great importance. She contrasts Mrs. Bennet’s views on marriage and is an example of different views and mindsets of neighbors. Mrs. Phillips functions as the social butterfly in their neighborhood. She hosts many gatherings and helps maintain social connections and interactions. Neighbors not only play an important role in novels but also plays an important role in daily life. Neighbors are an important part of life and their function can be represented in many ways/scenarios.

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