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Compare and Contrast of Southpaw and Concha

The terms of comparing and contrasting have specific meanings, the compare means identifying two similarities in the story or to way up. This means that they are finding similar things about two stories, like the characters and their themes. On the other hand, contrast means differences, or finding differences from two stories. Such as their different genres, or settings. In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting two stories, called Southpaw and Concha. The story southpaw talks about two children Richard and Janet, who are in a big quarrel. This story talks about discrimination, because Richard refuses to let Janet on his baseball team, for one reason because she is a girl, and he thinks that girls cannot be in a baseball team. But in Concha the story follows a group of kids, Joey, Beto, Mundo, Virgie, and Concha. This story talks about Concha, who is not scared of red ants, but is bitten by a red ant. But Mundo just laughs at her, so Virgie, who has a crush on her, protects her. Beto though is calm, and just says to help her, then the group helps her and she gets better. 

The most important aspect of the essay is the comparison, which talks about the similarities. Like in the story both of them involve children as the main characters like in Southpaw: Richard and Janet and in Concha: Virgie, Mundo, Beto, Concha, I, and Joey. Both of these stories also have someone who is looked down on, and is mostly why they are having an argument or it is the base of the quarrel they started, like in Southpaw it is Janet, and in Concha it is Concha. They also have happy endings as the conflicts are resolved. Like in Southpaw, Janet is not allowed on the team first, but then she is allowed on the team. In Concha, Concha is laughed at, but kids help her to get better by the ant bite. There are also some changes in the kids, like Richard who changes by being kinder to Janet, and lets her on the team, because he sees that girls are as good as boys. Also in Concha, Mundo gets nicer to Concha, and helps her get to the doctor, to help her with the red ant bite, because before he was bullying her despite her being hurt. These are some of the similarities between these two stories. 

However, it’s not only about the comparison, but it is also part of the notable contrast, meaning differences. There are many differences in the story, like the genres like in Southpaw which is a letter, and then we have Concha which is just a memoir or something that is remembered from the past told in first person.  There are also differences in the number of people involved in both of these stories, like in Southpaw, there are only two people because they are fighting over playing in baseball. But in Concha there is a group of people, there are six of them, fighting in a big argument of who to help and defend. However, similarly to the genres they have different narrative perspectives, like in southpaw, it is third person reading the peoples mind and both of them are saying. On the other hand, in Concha, they have “I” indicating that it is me, which is the first person, going into the perspective of one person. But even though they have conflicts, they are different conflicts like in southpaw it is gender discrimination, because Ruchard won’t let Janet play on his baseball team. But in Concha it is just discrimination on Concha, one part being rude to Concha and the other part is not being rude. These are the differences between both of these magnificent stories. 

Not only does compare and contrast help look at the differences of two stories, it also helps deepen the understanding of literature, and understand the importances of the books, but mostly it helps with the theme. Both of these stories have similar themes of growing up, we can see this from the two stories. Southpaw Richard grows up by letting the girl play on his team and not being sexist, even though he was selfish and didn’t want girls to play. In Concha Mundo grows up by being nicer to Concha and helping her, even though before he was childish and making fun of her for being too stupid to die. Both of these stories also have discrimination, which is excluding out , or bullying them, and being unfair to them, in Southpaw, there is Gender discrimination which is about people not liking each other because of their genders. But in Concha there is just discrimination which is about siding with a side, and trying to defend their side they are helping. Both of these stories also have a connection about childhood, this is because both of these stories are in their youth time, and everyone was just childs playing with their friends, and it is common for kids to fight. Lastly there is friendship between these two stories, like in Southpaw it talks about two kids who were friends, but then having a disagreement but then being friends again, and in Concha, Concha and Virgie are also friends because Virgie stands up for Concha, while Mundo was being mean. These are the importance of the compare and contrast between these two stories. 

In conclusion, compare and contrast means similarities and differences of two stories, the compare which means similarities and the contrast which means differences, but comparing and contrasting Southpaw and Concha had revealed new ways for me to think of it. In the stories there are many similarities between them, like they both have kids in them, that are In a Quarrel about discrimination. But not only do they have similarities they also have different diversities of themes, like they have different genres of memoirs and letters. But these compare and contrast not only talk about differences and similarities they also mean something else, it also helps with better understanding of literature like the themes for both of the stories. The two stories Southpaw and Concha are magnificent books, and comparing and contrasting both of these books are certainly interesting.

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