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Compare and Contrast of Literature

Authors always use many types of writing techniques in their stories, and one such technique is compare and contrast. Authors use this to help readers identify similarities and differences in many things, including characters and their behavior. Identifying differences can help a reader understand the story’s characters or plot better, since they can tell how characters have changed or are different from others. Comparing is to identify similarities, while contrasting is to find differences. Three stories all have compare and contrast in them. One story is “The Gold Cadillac”, which is about an African-American family who bought a Cadillac and is getting discriminated against. Another story is “Nadia the Willful”, which is about a young girl who does not believe that her brother died, so she yells and screams. “The Bracelet” is a story about how Japanese-Americans are sent to a concentration camp, and the child with a bracelet that she eventually loses. These stories all have examples of authors using compare and contrast with them.

Characters almost always have different and similar personalities, behaviors, or actions they do in every single story. The stories will have a few characters who are different, and then a few characters who are similar. The characters can have differences, but they should still be similar to one another. In “The Gold Cadillac”, Father and Mother’s attitudes towards the car are different. Father and the relatives say that they love the car, while Mother says it is a waste of money. Relatives do not support going to the South, but Father and Mother do. Both the relatives and Mother support Father, but in different aspects. In “Nadia the Willful”, Nadia and her father are different because in the beginning, Nadia is impatient and rude, while her father is patient and nice. In the end, it becomes the opposite. Both Nadia and her father are sad about Hamed’s disappearance. Authors can use compare and contrast in many ways. One such way is to make literary character’s personality, behavior, or actions very similar. The reader can identify similarities between the people and then understand how they are better. The author can also try to make things different, which lets the reader understand who is different from others and how they are different, leading to a better interpretation of the story. Comparing and contrasting character’s behaviors and actions makes the story more fun and interesting to read because of the better understanding.

Characters and other things in the story can change a lot from the beginning of the story to the end of it. They can learn from others, or they can just learn by themselves. Characters will adapt at the beginning to the end, since they will learn something. In “The Gold Cadillac”, Father’s thinking changed from loving the car and always keeping it to returning it for the benefit of everybody. In “Nadia the Willful”, Nadia changes from bad-tempered, loud, and illogical to soft, understanding, and rational. In “The Bracelet”, the girl Ruri’s surroundings change from a full house to an empty, boring large house. A similarity between Ruri’s attitude and her sister’s is that they both were positive and comforting to each other. A story can have characters very different from when they started in the story, and when the story ended. The difference in time can help people learn something new, which can lead to a better attitude or behavior. When there is time to learn, characters can develop especially fast, and can become a totally new person. Differences in time can cause somebody to change into a very different person who has totally different qualities and values compared to the person at the start of the story or novel.

Characters in stories will have different emotions and ways they react to different things they see. They can have different views on a topic, but have similar ones on another one. This would be because people would have different ways they react to an action done or seen. In “The Gold Cadillac”, Mother hates the car, but the relatives love it. Dad also likes the car, but Mother thinks it was a waste of money. In “Nadia the Willful”, Nadia is peaceful and rational at the end, while her father is loud and not using his brain wisely. Nadia yells at the beginning at emotes to everybody, while her father keeps it to himself. In “The Bracelet”, Ruri and her mother are both sad over the loss of the bracelet. Ruri yells out her emotions, while Mother says “never mind” and tells her to keep a mental friendship. All people have different emotions. One type of person can be very loud, and express how they feel to the entire group of people around them. Another type of person can be very soft, and keep their emotions to themselves. They do not want to share how they feel to the world. Emotions can be the same if people truly care about others, so they both feel the same feeling or emotion. The difference of emotions in the stories show how the characters are different and similar in many ways.

Comparing and contrasting is a literary technique that authors can use in their stories to enhance their stories. The characters in the stories can have many different emotions and behaviors, and can change over time. The three stories show great examples of compare and contrast. They show similarities and differences. Authors who use compare and contrast provide a better understanding of their stories to the readers. Comparing and contrasting is a good way to write literature because it makes the story more fun and interesting.

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