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Compare and Contrast in Literature

Comparing is finding the similarities between two or more things while contrasting is seeing the difference between two or more things. In the Gold Cadillac, Father bought a new car, a Gold Cadillac, much to Mother’s disapproval. But after nearly getting arrested for no reason when driving the car to the South, they realized their fault. In Nadia the Willful, a stubborn girl named Nadia just lost the only person she loved in the world, her brother Hamed. After the loss, her father became angry, but by listening to Nadia’s stories about Hamed, her father found a way to remember him, soon naming Nadia “the Wise”. In the Bracelet, the Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor, so every Japanese in America was to be sent to Internment camps, including Ruri’s family. But on the first day, Ruri lost the bracelet her best friend gave her, but she realized that she could remember her best friend by heart.

While we always have similar behaviors, our actions can still greatly vary in different situations. Our actions and behaviors can always differ from someone else’s, especially when we have different opinions. In the Gold Cadillac, Father and Mother’s opinions were very different when the new car was bought. Father was satisfied with it and liked showing it off to the neighbors, while Mother thought that it was not necessary. The relatives also liked the car while Mother wasn’t satisfied, but when the relatives disagreed about Father driving to the South, Mother was willing to come along. However, both Mother and the relatives supported Father when he bought the Gold Cadillac. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia was a stubborn, bad-tempered girl, and everyone ignored her. On the other hand, her Father, Sheik Tarik, was kind, and gracious and had a good reputation among the people. However, both Nadia and Sheik Tarik loved Hamed as their favorite brother or their favorite son. Comparing and contrasting our behaviors and attitude could depend on the situation and everyone’s different opinions.

New events and occasions around us change our attitudes and opinions over time. When the conditions and events in our life change, we might see a big difference in our personality and thinking. In The Gold Cadillac, Father’s opinions on the Gold Cadillac and the money paid for the new car changed after the ride to the South. Before the trip with his family, he thought that the car gave him a reputation but soon found out that it could put his and his family’s lives in danger, especially in the South. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia was the same stubborn, bad-tempered girl every day, and with a bad reputation in the village. But after Hamed’s death, she found a way to remember him and teach her father a lesson, soon known as Nadia the Wise. In The Bracelet, Ruri’s family was very comfortable in their old home in America, with a garden and a nice house. But then they were sent to the empty, dirty apartment in the Internment camps, which still smelled like horse stables. Even the Japanese grocery stores Mother used to go to had boarded windows and was empty with no customers. Over time, we always have a few turning points in our life, changing the surroundings around us and our personalities and opinions.

Not only are everyone’s actions and behaviors different, but our emotions and opinions hidden in our hearts could vary a lot. When comparing and contrasting our emotions, we could find big differences, especially in everyone’s different advantages and weaknesses. In the Gold Cadillac, the relatives, Father, and Mother’s opinions were very different, causing them to like and dislike different things. While the relatives and Father admired the Gold Cadillac, Mother was unsatisfied and preferred saving for a new house. On the other hand, when Father announced that he was driving the car to the South, everyone had different opinions. Father wanted to ‘show off’ his car, but the relatives said it was too dangerous, while Mother was eager to come along. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia and Sheik Tarik were both very sad about Hamed’s death but changed differently afterward. Nadia became cheerful and had a better relationship with the villagers, while Father started being short-tempered and angry. In The Bracelet, Ruri felt a bit sad about leaving Laurie, but after getting the bracelet, she knew that they would never forget each other. However, she lost the bracelet, feeling sad and mad at herself until her Mother taught her an important lesson. We always have different emotions when dealing with different situations and points of view.

Comparing and contrasting highlight the similarities and differences between multiple things, helping us clearly identify the main ideas of articles and novels. When comparing and contrasting, the differences between our actions, behaviors, emotions, and change over time. In the Gold Cadillac, the actions and feelings between the relatives, Father, and Mother differed over time. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia and Father’s attitudes greatly changed after Hamed’s death, as they both loved him. In The Bracelet, Ruri’s family faced multiple changes in their lives, as their homes changed, left their friends, and when Ruri lost her bracelet. Comparing and contrasting can make out not only the differences between changes, actions, and emotions but also the central themes of each article and novel.

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