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Compare and Contrast in Literature

Comparing two or more things with each other is finding the similarity, and contrasting them is finding the difference. Comparing and contrasting happen everywhere and at all times in daily life. There can also be a lot of different comparable and contrastable events/parts of a story or book. One can compare and contrast people’s feelings, the attitude, behavior, actions, and finally different things that happen depending on the time. The Gold Cadillac is about an African American family who just bought a brand new gold Cadillac and drove the car to the south, where they were neglected and disapproved of by society there because of the car. The bracelet is about a Japanese-American family who is forced to go to a concentration camp in the middle of WWII; thought by the Americans to be dangerous after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Nadia the Willful is about a girl named Nadia who has a bad temper. After discovering the death of her brother, she is very disappointed but tries her best to keep calm. Later on, she also teaches her father the importance of staying calm, and just thinking of them can make one peaceful.

One’s actions, attitude, and behaviors express what personalities one has and can influence other people. There can be disagreements in an action someone makes physically, and it can also be an attitude mentally that makes an impact. In the Gold Cadillac, there are both differences and similarities in the comparison of the mother, father, and relatives. When father bought the car, mother disagreed strongly and thought it was very wrong of him to do so. But, the relatives loved the car and wanted him to keep it. When father wanted to drive to the south, the relatives all disagreed, but mother agreed. They all cared about their father, even though they had different points of view. Even though there can be disagreements, care can still be shown no matter what. The care, disagreements and agreements all express the attitude that represents what someone thinks. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia and her father, Nadia get angry very often, while her father is calmer and more respected. Still, both Nadia and her father learned to calm down and think of Hamed even though he is gone. This clearly shows us the importance of one’s actions and behavior, since they can change one’s perspective. There are both mental and physical sides to someone’s actions, behavior, and attitude, and they are the ones that cause and influence. One’s actions and behaviors show one’s characteristics and reputation.

A lot of change can happen throughout different stories as time passes, and it can impact things by a lot. Different things happen at different times in stories, and they keep on changing. In the Gold Cadillac, the change in time comes when the family decides to drive to the south. Before that, they thought it was fine and said that he can drive the car anywhere he wanted. After the trip, he learned and actually faced the reality, which gave him an important lesson to not show off. Attitudes and how one thinks about something can change significantly over time. They can teach important lessons, especially during important events where it makes a big difference to some things. In the Bracelet, before the war, Ruri still went to school, had friends like Laurie, and got along well. But, after the war started, she and her family were forced to move to a Japanese concentration camp. Before a specific event happened, things might be in one way, but after that, they might change and bring considerable impact to certain things that are closely related to it. In Nadia the Willful, she started off being willful and having a bad temper. But after Hamed’s death, she learned to calm down to think, and she also taught her father how to stay peaceful. This tells us that the order and times something happens causes change. No matter what type of change it is, there will also always be impacts. Change can be caused naturally or caused by someone, and they typically create an impact as time goes on.

Different emotions, whether positive or negative, all impact how one thinks and what they do. Emotions have a very strong power, that is to cause one to make choices depending on how they are feeling. In the Gold Cadillac, before the trip, father was happy and very proud of the Cadillac. However, after the trip to the south, he regrets going there and decides that it won’t be safe to drive a gold Cadillac around anymore. Different attitudes can also be considered emotions, of how one thinks and regards an event, contrasting things before and after that has strong effects. In the Bracelet, the difference in emotions comes when the war starts. Before that, Ruri was glad and confident, and fit in with everyone else. However, after the war, Ruri feels disappointed and miserable. Whether it is a positive or negative feeling, it is important to be mindful of the effects it can have, and be prepared for it. In Nadia the Willful, Nadia had a bad temper, but after Hamed’s death, she learns to think of him and calm down. For Nadia's father, right after Hamed’s disappearance, he gets very mad, but eventually he softens and also learns to be peaceful as Nadia taught him. This clearly tells us the power and strength of one’s emotions. Positive ones might tell one to do good things, while negative ones might tell them to do bad things. Emotions have the power to control many things, including one’s action and thoughts, and they can have a lasting impact.

One’s actions, behavior, attitude, different times, and emotions can all impact one strongly. In the Gold Cadillac, father’s actions about buying the car were approved by the relatives but not by mother. However, when father wanted to drive to the south, mother agreed and the relatives disagreed. In Nadia the Willful, at first, she was willful and had a bad temper. But, her father was more calm. Changes can happen before and after a certain event takes place. In the Gold Cadillac, before father drove to the south, he thought it was fine. But, after going there, he realized that he had been wrong. In the Bracelet, before the war, everything was normal, but after the war started, everything was different. In Nadia the Willful, she was at first moody, but later on learned to be more calm, and so did her father. Emotions can have great impacts too. In the Gold Cadillac, before father drove to the south, he felt proud and happy about the Cadillac. But, after driving to the south, he realized the danger. In the Bracelet, Ruri was at first happy and confident, but then she became miserable and scared after the war. In Nadia the Willful, in the beginning, she couldn’t control her emotions very well, but in the end she managed to be more calm.

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