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Change the World, or Myself?

Changing the world can prove to be a hard task, especially for those who haven’t yet reached adulthood. However, not everyone needs to change the world. Some people are more devoted to changing themselves and making what is best for them. It doesn’t matter if one is physically or mentally capable, one is able to do anything they like as a long as they put their mind into it. In most cases, even the people who didn’t even think about changing the world was able to make an impact in the end. They follow the flow, and do whatever they could in order to produce the best results, where it doesn’t matter if it is changing the world or the person him/herself. Through the differences that can happen between changing the world of oneself, it usually remains the same in terms of the choices, since there is nothing wrong with trying to change to world or oneself. Especially when one is younger, thinking about trying to change the world can be hard, and it can require a lot from someone, especially when they are not yet ready for what is ahead in changing the world. For the moment, I would want to change myself first, instead of changing the world right away, since there is too much to change, and it is hard to say whether I would succeed or not.

Learning from new experiences is a key way to change someone themselves, especially since learning from and experiencing new events can deeply affect someone. Since learning things don’t always have to come from knowledge or a certain fixed place, people can get exposed to new experiences more freely and are able to do whatever they wish in a way that they can enjoy it. The majority of the people in the world agreed that they want to change what they do in the future instead of the past, and try to do whatever they could in order to get the best. From that, around 15% of the people want to be more open to new experiences, and they wish to be able to have more opportunities to get new experiences. For example, most people are aware of the 5 major personality traits, including Extroversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stabability. They show how one is able to change through experiences, especially when learning something new where they are more open to new experiences. According to Robert T. Kiyosaki, “Most people want everyone else in the world to change themselves. Let me tell you, it’s easier to change yourself than everyone else.” This meant that it is important to change oneself and let others do the same, instead of the other way around. Learning from new experiences can greatly influence someone, especially since they can propel one to change themselves.

Following one’s passions and interests help one to know what they like and want to do, especially since they show what one’s limits are and helps one understand more about themselves. Especially when one is very interested in what one is doing, they can sometimes get very into it, and when that happens, one is usually able to concentrate and keep on going no matter what. According to researchers, around 75% of people around the world wish to change themselves. Also, around 39% of people are actually following their passion, which is a very low amount. However, out of that 39%, almost 80% of the people have said that following their passion had helped them with work, social, and other aspects in life.  For example, if one is interested in a particular subject or field, they can turn what they know and what they like into a business and can even get work from that. From that, they can change their life, and while not realizing it or trying to do it, change the world as well. According to J. Michael Straczynski, “Follow your passion. The rest will attend to itself. If I can do it, anybody can do it. It’s possible. And it’s your turn. So go for it. It’s never too late to become what you always wanted to be in the first place.”. This proves that even during the hard times, one can still follow their passion to create a change in themselves, and maybe even the world. Following one’s passion and interests can prove to be very helpful, and one will eventually be able to follow their dreams and put in a change that can help one achieve what they want.

Being flexible and adaptable is very important in modern times, especially to people who often need to change and adapt to new environments. Being flexible can not only mean being able to adjust, it’s also about changing, and one might really find it useful when they need to change themselves. Mostly, being flexible and adaptable is really about being able to adjust and change if necessary, which in most cases almost always produces a good result in the end. According to researchers, 60% of people around the world believe that adaptability has become more important over this decade, and some 75% believe that it is a good thing when it comes to handling with new environments. Around 45% also said that it is important for people to change, and that changing oneself is more important that changing other things in the beginning. For example, if one is particularly able to adapt and change necessarily according to needs, they will have an easier time when they have a basic idea of what to expect, and it is very important to also be able to analyze what one was doing (in most cases incorrectly), and attempt to change it, which can be hard sometimes, especially when most people are used to changing things in the future not the past. According to Marc Benioff, “You must always be able to predict what’s next and then have the flexibility to evolve.” This means that one will always have the opportunity to evolve and have the flexibility to change. Being flexible and able to adapt is very essential, especially now, since it can often be hard to change oneself, knowing that it’s not always going to be easy every single time.

Learning from new experiences, following one’s passions and interests, and being flexible and adaptable are all necessary traits, especially when I want to change myself first, not the world. According to researchers, around 75% of people around the world wish to change themselves. The majority of the people agree that they want to change what they do in the future instead of the past, and try to do whatever they could in order to get the best. Also, around 39% of people are actually following their passion, which is a very low amount. However, out of that 39%, almost 80% of the people have said that following their passion had helped them with work, social, and other aspects in life. For example, most people are aware of the 5 major personality traits, including Extroversion, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotional stabability. They show how one is able to change through experiences, especially when learning something new where they are more open to new experiences.  For example, if one is interested in a particular subject or field, they can turn what they know and what they like into a business and can even get work from that. From that, they can change their life, and while not realizing it or trying to do it, change the world as well.

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