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Change the World or Myself?

There are many people around the world have tried to become heroes and change the world. There are many young kids in the world that have successfully changed the world and helped it in their own ways. One example is a kid called Kimmie Weeks. She lived in Liberia during a bloody civil war. Also, there was a disease that had been spread throughout the country. She organized her own groups to clean up the streets and joined many campaigns to help save the people. Two other kids called Noah and Akilah Lewis have done similar things to help out the world. There was a hurricane called Hurricane Katrina that hit the US, and it destroyed thousands of homes in the country. They both help an organization called the Habitat for Humanity. The Habitat for humanity helped out victims of the hurricane to build homes. These three kids have changed the world themselves. I believe that I would rather change the world than change myself.

Doing something impactful in the world is a great achievement in life. People have worked for all of history to make the world a better and easier place to live in. If people don’t really do something that would change the whole world, they might even feel like they haven’t done anything. If you try to make yourself better, you won’t feel the impact you have made on the world. If you don’t even make a slight impact, you might feel like your whole life is wasted. If you have worked all your life to do something, and don’t even see any effect that you have made in the world, you may feel like your life is basically useless. Feeling your own impact in the world is something that only happens if you change the world. Making a change in the world is something very heroic, yet something that may be very hard to achieve in your life.

There are many great effects that come when you help and impact the world. Helping the world become a better place is very important. If no one tries to even help the world, we would be far from today. It is the people that actually impact the world that helps us survive and become better all these years. Also, helping people in need will impact them a lot. They might try to help others more because they know what it feels like to get supported when needing it. Changing the world can change the people around you to become a better person. When the world is changed, you, yourself would also change to become a better person, and the rest of the world if you help the world. Even though changing your own self may be pretty important, changing the world will have a huge ripple effect on everyone in the world and yourself.

Sometimes people have to first change the world inside of them, before completely changing the world. There are also many pro sides of changing your own self. People do not need to accomplish anything very extraordinary in order to be a good person. If you try to change yourself, you could be a good person and live a humble and peaceful life. Many times, people do not want to get too much fame and attention, but just want to live their lives in peace. People just want to live a regular life, separated from fame and glory in the world. If you actually change yourself, it is a big accomplishment because you are being the best of yourself in life. If you can’t even control the world inside of you, it will be nearly impossible to change the world. Controlling and making the best of yourself is the first step in changing the world.

Changing the world is a very important and complicated thing to do in the world. In this essay I talked about the pros of changing the world in two ways, how it is very impactful, and how it makes the world a better place. When changing the world, people can feel an impact that it brings onto the world, that doesn’t happen when you only try to change yourself. When you change the world, you actually can feel the impact that you bring to the world. If you don’t feel the impact,  you might think that your whole life may be useless. Also, helping the world can also have some ripple effects to other places and other people all around the world. Lastly, I talked about how changing yourself may also be a good choice. Changing the world and yourself are both great paths to take.

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