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Can Planting Trees be a Good Solution?

Trees are important to us. They give us oxygen, and without them we would not survive. In Houston, Texas, trees are currently in a low supply, and the level of pollution is getting higher by the year. This year, it was 91.84, but last year it was 59.00. This comes from all the settlers, who try to build their own community. They think this is good for the whole of Texas, but it is not. This causes defloration, or urban sprawl. This is when smaller cities take control of the countryside, and expand into larger cities. We have many ways to find a solution to this, such as restoring or planting more trees. We people, who caused it, can start a company to plant trees together, and we can grow by size if more people know about this. Two companies also ally together for this part, the Dow Chemical and the Nature Conservancy.

There are many advantages to planting trees, such as their aid in lowering the amount of air pollution. The trees get rid of the pollution with their leaves. The canopy collects the air, and uses it for themselves, and makes better air by itself to provide for us. Trees don’t have to be dealt with by humans, but scrubbers take time, and are made from humans, and are made of more materials. Also 10,000 acres of trees are equal to how much a single scrubber can do, but what if this was doubled, then it’ll be better, for us the community. Trees are also better, because they make fresh air for us, not like scrubbers, for example, while they pick up the air pollution, at the same time, they make more air, and make better air for us. Lastly, the bigger the canopy and leaves are, then the more they collect air pollution for us. These are some of the advantages about trees for us. 

There are many disadvantages for trees, like they take up space. They can take up space, by planting them, and only 1,000 acres of trees, can pick around 4 to 7 tons. But a scrubber can pick up 50 to 70 tons of air pollution, also think of 10,000 acres of trees only, just to get 40 to 70 tons of air pollution. Trees also take time to grow, and will need more time before they can start picking up air pollution, by their leaves and canopy, but on the other hand, scrubbers just need to be made, and then they’re ready to go. Trees are also hard work, like planting a 1,000 acre of trees is crazy, and if you want to be equal with a scrubber you need to plant 10,000 acres of trees, which is expensive just for trees. But with a scrubber, you're equal to 10,000 acres of trees, with just one machine. Although trees have many good benefits, they also have bad consequences. 

Tree or scrubber, I would pick the trees, for many reasons, here are some of those reasons.  First of all, the trees give us the oxygen we need to survive, they make this through photosynthesis, they collect carbon dioxide, and sunlight, to make air and sugar, the sugar is their food, and they release the air for us, so why not just plant trees for the better good, of us and trees. Also machines take materials like iron and metal, and soon those materials will be gone, and we will need them for other stuff too. But trees do not take those materials, but instead give us materials like wood, for houses, and air for survival. Trees also multiply, by us, if we plant more trees the more air and wood we will have, and this is essential for living. Trees also give homes for wildlife creatures, like owls, who can make their homes in the tree, or birds who can build their nest on the tree. This also gives squirrels food, like nuts, which grows on trees. If there are a lot of peanuts, the squirrels will never grow that hungry. The trees also create shade for us, to have fun, like having a picnic, or read silently, while listening to nature. If I had an option, to pick trees or scrubbers I would definitely pick trees. 

Trees are important to the world. They give us oxygen so we could live, but their numbers are decreasing and are getting lower. But two companies decided to team up, the Dow Chemical and the Nature conservancy, one of these companies decided to use robot scrubbers. But I would go to trees, because of their benefits, like they don’t have to deal with humans, and scrubbers do. But although they have these benefits, they have some bad parts, such as they don’t immediately pick up air pollution, but it must take time to grow, and then it can start to pick up air pollution. Lastly, if I had a choice between trees and scrubbers, I would pick the trees, because they have many good benefits for us. This is why trees would be the best idea to use, and regrow.

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