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About Segregation

Segregation is something in our history that has been a major social problem. The biggest kinds of segregation are racial segregation and gender segregation. There had been a law called the Jim Crow law in the history of southern US, which is a law enforcing racial segregation. Two stories show such segregation. Warriors Don't Cry talks about a girl named Melba, the author, who was facing gender segregation while going to school, which soldiers to protect them. I Never Had It Made talks about MLB player Jackie Robinson, and how he faced racial segregation as a baseball player.

As though it might not first seem, anyone can be discriminated against and can be segregated. No matter our identity, social status, age, and even our career, we are all being posed the same threat to segregation and being discriminated against. In Warriors Don't Cry, the author was a little girl when she was being discriminated against. When she was going to school she even needed to have soldiers accompany her so she would not get swarmed on by the angry segregationist mobs. Being such a little girl and segregated is unbelievable. In I Never Had It Made, the author, Jackie, an adult man, was segregated because of his skin color on the baseball field. Such tells us that nothing matters when it comes to segregation and discrimination. Therefore, we can be discriminated against under any condition or possible situation.

By such an idea of segregation, the society will be influenced by such a change. People will start forming opinions on such laws like the Jim Crow Laws, which splits them into two kinds of people, people who are segregationists, as well as others who are trying to bring such laws and ideas down. In the story Warriors Don't Cry, people who were positive to the author include the few friendly folks who waved, and the negative include the many of the white people and segregation mobs. Clearly, there are more people who were negative than there were positive. In I Never Had It Made, Jackie had to endure many people's disrespectful comments as he was in the MLB. Even so, there were still many Black people who were extremely supportive of Jackie's efforts. No matter what others are going to think of the authors of either stories, Jackie and Melba both were very determined and resilient no matter what others thought of them. Thus, such ideas of segregation have led to many changes in society.

Segregation uncovers many themes that have been repeating themselves throughout history. We can find such from the idea of segregation to the changes such an idea has made to society. One of these patterns is that there will always be first, a major social problem that will occur. After this problem has occurred, there will always be a new and more advanced theory and idea that will occur at that period of time, resolving the major problem before. In the story Warriors Don't Cry, such a problem is that girls cannot go to school. Such a problem is resolved by the new idea that all genders are equal. Gender is definitely not something that should affect the value of anyone. In the story I Never Had It made, the major problem was that the Black cannot join the MLB. The new theory that was suggested then was that all races are equal and that not just the white are able to join the major league. People's race should not be used to decide what kind of person they are either. Therefore, many themes can be concluded from the idea of segregation.

Segregation is an idea that people should have different rights based on simply their appearance, rather than their personality. Such segregation has many forms, or in other words, based on different aspects of their appearance. Segregation, including racial and gender segregation, both puts people into different groups, and doing so in a bad way. Such segregation is shown through two different stories, "I Never Had It Made", and "Warriors Don't Cry". This concept is not good, and needs to be resolved. Solutions to these major social problems in society are extremely helpful to the overall growth of our world. These solutions can not only make some people's lives better, but can also have the potential to affect the entire society.Jackie and Melba use their actions to show that segregations can be, and should be, broken, to the maximum degree.

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