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Book review of Wolf

This story is written by Becky Bloom. It is a story about a hungry and uneducated wolf becoming an educated wolf. At first he was being pushed out of the farm by an educated pig because the wolf was not educated. So the wolf started to learn how to read. The second time he went to the farm the educated animals said that he still has a long way to go. The third time he went there the animals said that he needed to work on his style. The fourth time he went there, the animals beg him to read story after story.

Education is what we need to change ourselves so that we are more mature. It can change our attitude, behavior and manner. In the story wolf first just charged into the farm saying he want to eat the animals then he started to learn how to read in school. In the end the wolf didn’t try to eat the animals instead he walked into the farm and read stories to them. Education makes our behavior better. Education is helping us become more acceptable to others.

Friends can encourage and motivate us to learn and become better. They can help us improve. In the story the pig first told the wolf that the farm is for educated animals which inspired the wolf. The pig and the duck give their comments to the wolf’s reading each time he came, except the last time, to help improve his reading. Friend helps improve our weak abilities. Friends help us become better at the things we can’t do or can’t do very well.

When we are facing some challenge we should not give up. We can’t just stop doing something when we are facing an obstacle. In the story each time the wolf didn’t get the reaction he was hoping for, he didn’t just give up. He continue to improve is reading bit by bit. When facing a challenge we never knew whether we can go through it, if we try then next time if we are facing the same challenge we can be sure what to do. If we give up when we are facing a challenge then we will never know how to deal with it.

Education change ourselves into mature people. It will make us more acceptable to others. Friends can encourage us to become better at our weak abilities. We should also sometimes follow the comments our friend give us and never give up if the reaction is not what we expected to get. We should also try to reach the goal we got from our friend’s(or friends’) comment, even if it is very difficult to reach.

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