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Book Review of Two Gallants

“Two Gallants” is a short story by James Joyce in his collection Dubliners. The story follows two men, Lenehan and Corley, as they walk through central Dublin after a day of drinking. Corley dominates the conversation, talking about his latest romantic interest, a maid who works at a wealthy home and with whom he has a date that evening. The men reveal a plan to convince the maid to take money from her employer’s house. Lenehan repeatedly asks Corley if he thinks she is right for their business, to which Corley explains how good the maid is. The men agree to meet later that night at a corner by the maid’s house. Lenehan watches as Corley and the maid walk off, and he takes another intense look before positioning himself so he can watch the couple pass once more. Finally alone, Lenehan aimlessly wanders through Dublin to pass the time. Over his food, he sadly looks back at his life: instead of just scraping by, he wishes instead for a steady job and stable home life. Later, Corley shows Lenehan a gold coin, indicating their plan was successful. The story explores themes of belonging, betrayal, and the connection between money and relationships.

The feel of belonging is important to anyone because that's the feel of being a part of a group and being cared for. Everyone deserves to have the feel of belonging. This feeling can give you power, strength and can help people to work in a team better. Without the feeling of belonging, people can be sad and alone. People can even be violent sometimes when they feel no one is caring or knowing them. In the story, Corley and Lenehan can’t really feel belonging in the community because of their wealth and personality. This led Corley and Lenehan to wander around the city alone and having nothing to do. It also leads them into thinking about evil ways to gain money. Observe those people around you and see if they are feeling alone and wanted company. Help others when they are feeling down so others will help you when you are in danger. If you decided to not help them, the consequences could be really bad. help everyone you can to feel cared for and in a community that they can trust. Don’t make bad decisions and help those in need physically and mentally.

Betrayal is an evil thought that can break relationships, friendships and can make people always be worried and uncomfortable. Betrayal happens when you hurt your friends or people on your side and may join your enemy. It is a very evil and unethical thing to do. No one wants to work with people who betray others. So don’t be rude and betray others and be careful when working with others because they could be someone who will betray you. In the story, Corley and Lenehan were always afraid of being betrayed by the other which led Corley not to take Lenehan to meet the maid and Lenehan to repeatedly ask if Corley will come back. The maid Corley was dating also betrayed people. She betrayed her employers by taking their money and stealing cigars which Corley took from the maid when betraying her. The story contained a lot of betraying and secrets. Betrayal and end friendships and relationships. Corley and Lenehan’s friendship had been weakened by betrayal and them not trusting each other. Corley’s relationship with the maid will also break after the maid finds out how Corley betrayed her and only loves her for the money. No one should ever betray their friends or family because both sides will be hurt and leave each other.

There are a lot of connections between money and relationships. Money is needed to own or enjoy anything. Money is what everyone is working for and it can be used to gain anything. Relationships, on the other hand, are related to people’s feelings. It will not work out if the two people don’t like the other. Money could be a way to gain relationships and relationships can be used to get money, but neither of those ways to gain things will last long before failing. In the story, Corley used the maid's love towards him and the relationship between them to gain money from her. Corley made her betray her employers and steal their money. The maid then gave Corley the money. Corley got more money, but this relationship between him and the maid will not last long and it might give him more trouble in the future. Money will always be spent one day and you can always earn it if you work hard, but relationships are hard to find the perfect one. Relationships are always more valuable than money because of how you will only have a few in your life. Others’ love and care can not be bought with money and those relationships for money or because of money will not last long or lovely.

In conclusion, we see how people want to fit in, deal with betrayal, and how money can mess up relationships in "Two Gallants" by James Joyce. The story shows how wanting to belong is a big part of life for everyone. If we feel like we're part of a group, it can make us strong and help us work together. But when characters like Corley and Lenehan don't feel like they belong, they end up feeling lonely and maybe do things they shouldn't. Betrayal is like when someone you trust does something bad to you. The story shows that this can really break up friendships and how important it is to be loyal. Also, it looks at how money can mess with relationships. Money can make things look good on the outside, but it doesn't always mean a good relationship. The story reminds us to focus on real connections and not let greed or dishonesty get in the way.

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