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Book Review of The Whipping Boy

Characters: Prince Brat, Jemmy, the king, Petunia, Betsy, Billy and Cutwater.

Setting: In the palace- outside- back to the palace.

Plot: Prince Brat runs away from home, and nobody can find him.

The Whipping Boy is written by Sid Fleischman. It mainly talks about a prince who runs away from a castle, and takes his whipping boy with him as accompaniment. On the road, they met two outlaws who wanted to chase them, so they tried to avoid it. They ran and ran, and Jemmy thought of many tricks to play on them, but they didn’t work. Finally, Betsy and Petunia came to the rescue, and they fought the two outlaws. Then, they traveled together, did some more things, and Jemmy and the prince went back home.

Friendship is very crucial because it is both accommodating and handy, and we can have better social connections because of it.When we have a problem, friends will come and help us because we have friendship between each other. So when we need help, friendship will help you get assistance from others. In the book, Jemmy really hates the prince and vice versa. But, as time goes by, they begin to have friendship with each other, and help each other out when they are in need. If we are having a problem, we can use friendship to let others help us. We can say to others politely, and maybe they will agree. So, when we need help, we first need to get friendship from others.

Trust is very essential because others will count on you and always let you assist them when they have issues. When others have belief in you, they can always ask you whenever there are some problems. They can rely on you because you are reliable to them, and can also help others. In the book, the prince and Jemmy don't trust each other, and they often have fights against each other. As they went through adventures together, they began to rely on each other, and finally even became friends. If we want to gain some trust, try to be nice with others, get along with them, and make them have a good impression on you. That way, you will gain more trust from others, and they will like you very much. So, when we need to gain trust, we need to make others have a good impression on us.

Don’t think that others don’t care about us, because they always do if it’s our parents, teachers, or our friends. When we go outside alone, our parents, teachers or friends will be worried about us, because they always care about our safety. In the book, the prince ran away from his home. He thought that his father, the king, wouldn’t care about him. Jemmy thought it was nonsense and the king would surely care about him. Later, they knew that the king was searching for them, so Jemmy was right. If we think that nobody cares about us, that’s actually not right. Our guardians are watching us every second, minute and hour. We should be thankful for them. So, we all have somebody who’s caring for us.

In conclusion, this book tells about three important themes: First, friendship because it lets us have better social connection; Second, trust because others will count on you or rely on you and maybe tell you their secrets; And third, care because we are being watched every minute by our guardians to make sure we are safe. These three points are very critical, and that’s what makes this book amazing.

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