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Book Review of The Whipping Boy

Basic Elements: Characters: Prince Brad, Whipping Boy, Cutwater, King, Billy

Setting: Home at the castle, in the sewers.

Plot: Prince Brad decides to run away from the castle.

Genre: Children’s novel

Perspective: Third person view point

The story "The Whipping Boy" is written by Sid Fleischman. It talks about a prince in a castle who plays a terrible joke on the king. The prince doesn't have to worry about being punished because he has a whipping boy. After hours, the prince decides to run away with his whipping boy, Jeremy. After a couple of hours, some highwaymen decide to kidnap them. The two boys are kidnapped and forced to write a letter to the king. After that, they somehow manage to escape and find food. After a day, they see the highwaymen approaching them again. A nearby bear scares the highwaymen away. The two boys find their way back to the castle, and the prince explains to the king that it is his fault for getting the idea of running away, not the whipping boy.

Education is something major we need to have in order to change our life. Education is important because we can learn to use skills if we get education sooner or later. These skills might just come in handy. Being old cannot stop us from getting education, everybody can get education, even if you are super young. One is never too old to learn. In the story Prince Brad knows that he is going to become a king so he can have people work for him and he does not learn or get education when he is still small. Jemmy gets a lot of education because he knows he can get something useful out of it and maybe he can escape the suffering since he is a whipping boy. Some people are not aware of the importance of getting education like the prince in the story. People without education are in their comfort zone.  Being in the comfort zone is enjoying our lifestyle and being out of the comfort zone is hard work and struggling to get good grades on tests. These people are in their comfort zone so they can’t really challenge themselves to an upgraded level. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world” -Nelson Mandela.

Empathy and a caring heart can help us become good friends with people from other social classes. There are many ways to become friends with others, but they do not seem as easy as they think if we are at a different level. In the story, the prince is royalty and Jemmy, on the other hand, is just a poor whipping boy. Jeremy is the prince's whipping boy. The prince doesn’t really care about whipping boys until one day he gets whipped and feels the same way the whipping boy did. After that, they become friends because they know each other well. Caring and understanding others are things we should do, if we do these things we may find out someone on another level may have a lot in common and may start to be friends. Having empathy and respect is an excellent way to make friends who are on a different level.

Overcoming our fears with courage is a great way to avoid cowering. Courage is the ability to face and overcome fear, danger, or difficulties. Courage is important when we are in a difficult dangerous situation. In the story, Jemmy gets whipped and he does not even shout or complain about it. Prince Brad faces the highwaymen and he uses moral courage to escape. The prince also meets a bear, and instead of being scared of the bear, the prince is the one who scares the bear. Having courage is useful for avoiding danger and being brave. The type of avoiding getting hurt is physical courage which is normal for us to use. What we may need more is moral courage, it is the courage of doing good deeds, it is the courage to do the right thing, like talking back to injustice. Courage is something useful that everyone should have.

This is an interesting educational story that talks about a prince who plays a prank on the king so the whipping boy gets whipped. The whipping boy and the prince sneaks out and meets some highwaymen. The highwaymen kidnap the whipping boy and the prince so they escape and find their way back to the castle which is home. First, education comes first, we can have education to learn useful skills we are going to use later on in life. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. Second, it is possible to be friends with people on other social class levels, we just need empathy with others and feel how much we are alike. Also, overcoming our fear by using courage is useful. This story is surely critical for us to read.

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