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Book Review of The Whipping Boy

Characters: Jemmy, Prince Brat, Billy, Cutwater, King, Captain Nips, Betsy, Petunia

Settings: Castle, Forest

Plot: Jemmy and Prince Brat run away, but were taken hostage and the boys needed to cooperate.

The Whipping Boy is a book about Jemmy, originally a poor boy from the streets who was taken to serve as Prince Brat’s whipping boy. Every time the prince misbehaves, Jemmy gets whipped, so he longs for the freedom he used to have on the streets. However, when Prince Brat decided to run away and is captured by a pair of highwaymen, every time Jemmy saves Prince Brat. Since Prince Brat couldn’t write and Jemmy could, the highwaymen thought Jemmy was the prince and chased him. On the way, Jemmy and Prince Brat met Betsy and her bear, Petunia, who helped them to scare away the highwaymen. Also, Jemmy and Prince Brat went into the sewers to escape before they finally returned to the castle. Prince Brat agreed to behave, and they became friends.

If people are willing to help us, then we should always trust them and be thankful. Trust and thankfulness increase the sense of closeness among people. Jemmy and Prince Brat developed trust towards each other as they helped each other while they were captured. When Prince Brat behaved himself, Jemmy started to trust him. This explains why they finally escaped from the highwaymen through cooperation. Jemmy and the prince’s cooperation and trust ultimately led them to have a better relationship. Trust is essential in building relationships and can create a sense of security and happiness in life.

Friendship can be a catalyst to increase trust and help the development of a positive relationship. When friends help each other, trust can build friendships, which can in turn build positive relationships. When Jemmy and Prince Brat helped and trusted each other, they started understanding each other, which made them become friends. After they were friends, they helped each other even more, which added to their friendship. That is also the reason Prince Brat ultimately behaved himself because he wanted to help Jemmy. Friendship can act as a catalyst for Jemmy and the prince’s relationship, and that is also true for us. Friendship and trust are closely related, and they are the building blocks for relationships.

Education is often foremost in life and can provide many solutions to problems we meet in our lives. It can let us exceed our expectations and live a better life by solving the difficulties we encounter. Prince Brat doesn’t learn very well and isn’t able to write, but Jemmy learns and writes. Therefore, Jemmy is more clever and can find solutions and protect the prince in their entire journey. It’s Jemmy’s cleverness and knowledge that ultimately led them to escape from the highwaymen and return to the castle. Education is often the most important thing, and it can let us live better and can break boundaries in life.

In conclusion, The Whipping Boy is a book about trust, friendship, and education. It teaches us to always trust others, build friendships, and that education is one of the top priorities in life. It also teaches us about determination and kindness. I recommend you to read this book.

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