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Book Review of The Thirty-Nine Steps - What Makes Hannay Succeed?

Thirty-Nine steps by John Duchan has a main character named Hannay who is informed by a man who he is skeptical that there is a gang that is plotting to start a war against the country. Hannay doesn’t take action because he doesn’t fully believe him but after the man dies supposedly murdered by the gang, he now knows he was telling the truth. Hannay sets out to stop the gang and on the way he faces countless obstacles that he gets past using his advanced skill set and patriotism. He eventually gets the military to help him and take down the gang before they can set their plan into action. Hannay shows great acts of skills, strong determination, and patriotism to his country when faced with life or death situations that he otherwise could have just left alone. This is why Hannay could succeed even with everyone against him and trying to capture him.

One key element that drives Hannay’s success was his strong sense of patriotism even in the face of unknown danger. Once Hannay knew that his country was in danger, he didn’t hesitate to throw his whole life away just to have the chance of saving his country. He never gave up even if the situation was very dire like getting captured but persevering on and escaping. He even puts the country's safety before his own when facing hunger and thirst while still resilient and doing whatever he can to stop the gang. At first Hannay was just bored of life but then the man came and gave him something that could change his life for the better or worse. Hannay took the risk and at the end his country didn’t go to war and he saved everyone from the dangerous gang plotting against him. Patriotism is like a motivation that enables people to achieve more and fight for their nation.  This is why Hannay could succeed against all odds.

Hannay is also very skilled in multiple different essential areas of life that he uses to help him succeed and persuade others. Hannay knew his milkman was a nice person so he asked and the milkman gave him his suit so Hannay could stay disguised and make it harder for others like the gang and police to identify him. Hannay also had some background knowledge as an engineer so he used that to escape when the dangerous gang leader trying to stop him trapped him in a bunker underground. He used dynamite he found to escape and hide again. Strength came naturally to him so he ran on foot and stayed resilient even when he was starving and very thirsty. Hannay's fast reaction time and versatility saved him many times when he senses the gang or the police looking for him, he knows how to elude them in countless different situations. Hannay's collection of talents and abilities in general help him succeed against the gang and police.

Strong determination helps Hannay persist through all the obstacles and keeps him going when all hopes seem lost. When he got caught by the gang leader and locked up, he couldn’t find a way to escape until he miraculously found dynamite to use and escape. Hannay challenges himself to save his country and does things that don't seem possible but Hannay always pulls it off and moves on in whatever situation he is put in. Hannay is so determined he uses all his talents and skills to cover his real identity and become innocent people like a milkman or a normal citizen. This determination is used throughout all his adventures and sometimes it is more necessary then other times when he was starving and dehydrated. After escaping the gang he ignored his pain and tanked on to eventually succeed and stop the gang. Hannay succeeds by persevering through every obstacle thrown at him.

Hannay not only has these remarkable skills and traits, at his core, he is truly a hero. He saved everyone in his country from a dangerous and powerful gang trying to start another war. Not only risking his peaceful career but he also put his life on the line to just have the chance to stop them and at the end, his hard work and determination paid off and he succeeded. Hannay had to not only face the deadly people sent by the gang to get rid of him, but also evade arrest multiple times from the police who thought he had killed a man while he was actually framed for murder by the gang. He never really hurt someone physically unless they were attacking him, when facing police, he disguised himself so being recognized would be harder for everyone else trying to find him. This is how Hannay succeeds, with his personality, skills, spirit and heroism.

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