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Book Review of The Reluctant Dragon

The story “The Reluctant Dragon” talks about a shepherd who has a wife and a son. One day he came home and told his wife and kid about his day. He said that there was a cave and inside slept a big, blue dragon. The next day, the boy (full of curiosity) went to go see the dragon. The dragon woke up and had a conversation with the boy. They became friends. The boy spread the news about the dragon. But then St George came. He planned to have a fight with the dragon. The boy stood up for his friend. He told St George about why he should not kill the dragon. So he did not kill him, instead he just pinned him to earth. After the fight they had a lovely banquet.

Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. Friends are the ones that you care about. The ones that comfort you when you have big emotions. They are also the ones that you never want to leave behind. In the story, the boy was curious about the dragon. He talked to the dragon. The dragon talked to him And with that, they became good friends. “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” That means making friends is important because you could always have someone to support you all the way to your gravestone. Everyone needs to have a true friend they could count on.

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Bravery is facing your fears. It means not to feel afraid, just try. In the story, the boy and the dragon became friends. They spent time talking to each other. But during the story St George came and wanted to have a fight with the dragon to make a beautiful painting. The boy did not want to be punished. He is brave. He stood up for his best friend and convinced St George not to kill his friend. He listened and invited the dragon to a banquet. Have the courage to act instead of react. So, people should calm down and conquer their fears.

Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world. Kindness is something that makes people feel belonged, loved, and cared for. Kindness is what we have deep in our heart. In the story, the boy tries to make friends with the dragon even though he is a little bit afraid of the dragon. And he made best friends with the dragon. And deep down, the dragon feels being included. Kindness is a feeling we share among each other. Kindness spreads fast like a virus, a good virus. Kindness is love, and love is kindness. So, people should be thankful for our kindness, because kindness is what made this world.

This story tells us three things: Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget, The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear, and Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world. The story talks about a boy who made friends with a dragon. And the story also tells us that we shouldn't judge things by appearances.

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