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Book Review of The Red Pony


The story “The Red Pony” written by John Steinbeck talks about Jody’s story of a time when he was young. In the first story “The Gift” it talks about Jody who had received a pony as a gift from his dad, Carl Tiffin, and Billy Buck, who is an expert of horses. They got the horse from an auction by the mayor, and the horse was on sale so they took it. But one day, when Billy Buck said it wouldn’t rain and that he could leave the horse out, it rained. A few days later, the horse died. In the story “The Great Mountains” Jody was looking up in the sky feeling bored and did not know what to do, but then suddenly an old man named Gitano came. He said he would like to stay there, claiming that he was born here. Jody got his mom, who called his dad and Billy Buck, his dad refused but his mom said he could stay for one day only then would leave. He agreed then went to the house once dinner was ready Jody went to Gitano, and he said that the stuff he had was from family. The next day he was nowhere to be found and an old horse was gone, then the neighbors said that they saw him leaving riding the horse, but his dad was thankful he left with the horse, because it was useless. The story “The Promise” tells about how Jody got a new horse, and that he brought over to the neighbors to get a colt or a baby horse from the mare. Soon Billy Buck said that she was pregnant and that he would have to work hard, so Jody did work hard, then at night. When the baby was born, he was called to see it, then Billy said it was facing the wrong way, and Jody was ordered to turn around. As soon as he did, Billy cut open the Mare, then Billy said that he got the little horse just like he promised. In the story “The Leader of The People” it talks about his grandpa coming, and his father doesn’t like him, because he always talks about stories of the past that he was in, and would always say the same thing. Jody liked them, and when he came, he enjoyed his stories. One day his dad yelled without noticing grandpa there, and once he heard that he was sad, and said that he was right, and would only tell it once. Outside his grandpa said that he was alright even though Jody knew he was not, so then he went inside and made lemonade for him. 

Matureness and responsibility is widely used in the story, to tell us how the characters have grown up, like Jody. Jody realizes in The Gift that no one is perfect, like Billy who says that he is good with horses, but he got something wrong. He also realizes that death cannot be avoided by people, and that one day someone or something must die, like the two horses he got. Jody also must understand that when he is growing he has to learn the pain of death. Billy Buck also realizes his responsibilities like that he has to undertake the responsibility for the horse's death. The father must also take responsibility for the farm, because he is the leader of the family, and has to protect and feed everyone them. Jody also depends on his dad when he was younger, but he got more mature to not depending on his dad as much, and working by himself more. Throughout the stories maturing and taking responsibilities were seen differently by each character. 

Life is not fair to us all the time, that is the cruelty of nature, which is about how cruel nature is to us like death. Death was inevitable and was followed everywhere in the stories, like the horses who had died. But in these inevitable deaths, there are also sacrifices made. Like the mare who had to die, because the baby was facing the wrong way and the only way for the colt to live was if they took it out, by cutting it. Gitano had also made a sacrifice by taking a horse, which was old, so it would make more food for the family. Nature alone is also cruel, because of aging and you would die quickly. Gitano had even picked where he was born as his death but his family wouldn’t allow it. Human facility is also part of nature, meaning the tendency of doing wrong things, like humans do sometimes. For example they have the imperfection of adults, they may say they are perfect but they are not, because they make mistakes like everyone does. The father says he is perfect but he is not because he is too stern and distant to his family. Billy also is not perfect, he says he is perfect at horses, but he made a mistake, of leaving the first horse out, and killing him. Life is not fair to us a lot of times because of how to act and do things that are not right. 

Family is an important part of your life, it is the closest circle of people you live with and you care about, it is a powerful part of your life. Even though Jody’s dad is cruel and hard to old people like grandpa and Gitano he is doing it for the family. For if they have another person or mouth to feed, then someone might have to starve, because they don’t make enough money. Jody’s dad is also trying to help Jody, by being strict to him, for when he is strict Jody can cooperate and do many things he might not be able to do before. But Jody rebels against his dad, because he believes he is too harsh, and mean to grandpa and him, even though he is trying to help him. The father also has a responsibility for the family, like he has to make enough money from the farm for food and a home for them, that is his part of job to do for the family. This is how family is an important part of your life, because of how they treat you to help you. 

The story “The Red Pony” talks about a part of Jody’s life, and how fun it was, like how he got a horse, but it died, and he got another horse, but that horse died too. Matureness and responsibility was widely used in the story, like Billy Buck, who had the responsibility of trying to keep the first horse alive, but it died and he had failed his job to do so. Nature is cruel to everyone, like death, which is part of nature. Death cannot be stopped by anyone, it is impossible to do so, such as the horse Billy had to kill, but even if the mare still lived it would die anyway. Family is an important part of the world, without them, we could be nothing alike, and we might even hate each other but family keeps us together from not hating. The book “The Red Pony” is a great but somber book to talk about, because of its many deaths.


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