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Book Review of The One and Only Ivan

characters:  Ivan, Mack, Julia, George, Stella, Bob, Ruby,  

setting: Big Top Mall

plot: Ivan is rescuing Ruby out of the zoo

perspective: First-person point

genre: novel

The novel The One and Only Ivan" written by Katherine Applegate talks about people who do bad things to animals. Mack is the mall owner and is cruel to the animals and forces them to obey the mall's rules. Ivan decided to change this, so he drew and Julia knew that Ivan wanted Ruby to the zoo. So he made it into cardboard. Thousands of people told Mack that the animals needed to be set into the zoo. So they were brought there and lived a happy life ever after.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another person. Empathy is feeling with people and trying to feel what other people feel without judging others' situations. It is understanding and taking the perspective of others. it is to feel 'with' somebody not feel 'for' somebody and always be ready to help. In the story, the hunter separates Ruby from mother, and George and Julia help the animals at the zoo.   Ruby feels sad, but they don’t think animals have feelings and don’t have Empathy.  George and Julia show great care and compassion toward the animals. Julia understands Ivan's artistic expressions and eventually helps reveal the true meaning behind Ivan's paintings, drawing public attention to the animals' plight. George shows empathy when he learns about the animals' suffering and chooses to support his daughter's actions. Empathy is putting ourselves in others' shoes and we can feel exactly how they feel.

Sympathy is a feeling of pity or concern for someone experiencing difficulty or suffering, but it's more cognitive and keeps some distance. Sympathy is when you feel sorry for someone because they’re having a tough time, but it can also put the person struggling in a judgmental position. In the story, Ruby was brought to the mall as a small helpless baby,  Ivan works hard to cheer Ruby up and keep her happy. When Ruby, arrives at the mall, Ivan is having a good life, he sees Ruby is sad, and he tries to do something to help her and make her happy, but he can't have the same feeling as Ruby, because he is used to the life locked up. Sympathy shows pity but drives disconnection.

 Animals, like people, want to be free to live happily and not be trapped in small spaces. Animals would not be able to do their normal life things when they were kept in cages. They would feel threatened and sad. They would move here and there trying to escape, that would hurt them. In the story, Ivan and his friends were kept in cages. And not allowed to come out except when they are about to do shows. They dream about what it would be like to be free, especially Ruby who is very young. They needed to return to their normal habitat. Animals have feelings, too, they do not want to be kept in cages all day.

The novel talks about people who do bad things to animals. Mack is ts cruel to the animals and forces them to obey the mall's rules. Ivan decided to change this, so he drew and Julia knew that Ivan wanted Ruby to the zoo. So he made it into cardboard. Everyone came to the mall to tell him that they should go. So they were brought there and lived a happy life ever after. empathy means you can feel exactly how others feel. Sympathy means you know one wasn't in a good mood but you only say some words to comfort them.  you can't capture animals, that would trouble them.

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