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Book Review of The One and Only Ivan

Basic Elements: 

Characters: Sarah, Caleb, Anna, Jacob

Setting: Home, during the late 19th century.

Plot: Anna and Caleb thought that Sarah will leave them.

Perspective: first person view point.

Genre: Children's book.

The story The One and Only Ivan is written by KATHERINE APPLEGATE. It talks about Ivan, who is a gorilla at a mall at exit 8 living in his cage. Ivan loves to draw too, and his drawings are sold at the gift shop. Stella is an elephant who is Ivan's friend. All day long Ivan watches the TV, eats bananas and draws. One day Stella dies because of her swollen foot and Mack will not call the doctor. Ruby comes next. Ruby is an elephant too. Stella is Ruby's aunt, so Ruby misses Stella very much. One day, Julia finds a drawing of Ivan in the zoo with a family, so she puts up some posters about letting the animals free up in the mall, and the next day there are protesters wanting to free the animals. And later some people come and say they are for the animals, now Mack has no choice but to let the animals out into freedom, and that is what he does.

Animals have the right to live in the nature like people do. If humans can live a peaceful life then animals can too. Animals will lose their ability to hunt food and run from enemies. Like this even if they become free out of the cage they can’t survive. In the story, Ivan is in a cage at Top mall exit 8. He has been fed and when he manages to get into freedom, he is still fed. Ivan lost his ability to hunt for bananas. If we harm the animal they might die and eventually become extinct. Animals protect the environment, the environment is their home. If we trap the animals and harm them to cause them to die, the world may pollute more and quicker than we can imagine. People should protect animals, especially the rare ones and keep them in the wild.

Showing sympathy to animals can support people to protect them better. Sympathy is a feeling of seeing other people’s suffering, so we feel sorry or pitiful and want to help others. Think about someone who falls down and can’t get back up, we may feel pity for them and help them. The feeling of pity and the action of helping others is a kind of sympathy. In the story, the minute before Stella dies, Ivan promises everything Stella says and cares about Stella much more than he cared about her normally. Ivan does keep the promise because he sees Stella suffering, so he wants to help them. Ivan is a gorilla with sympathy and done many things for the animals. The animals are locked up and Ivan finally helps them to escape. If people have more sympathy, we may treat animals better and fairly.

People need empathy to understand animals' feelings but not everyone has it. If someone captures you, no matter how they treat you nicely, you will still feel sad and miss your parents. Empathy is a skill of having the same feeling as others. We will have that sense of something attached to our family. In the story, Mack treats the animals badly, he tortures the animals because doesn't believe that animals have feelings so he doesn't care about them much. Mack doesn’t think Ivan knows human talking, but Ivan does, Ivan now knows that he is not cute or either important to Mack anymore. The words Mack says hurt Ivan. Mack doesn’t have empathy so he can not understand the animal's feelings. Animals have feelings too. Hunters don’t believe animals have feelings so they hunt the animals, they may not do physical hurting, but they do mental hurting. Because they think animals are just stupid with no emotion or feelings. Empathy is important, we need it to understand animal’s feelings to protect them well.

Overall, this is a good story that talks about Stella the elephant dies in her cage so Ruby the elephant comes next. The animals are in a cage, not in freedom. Ivan the gorilla wants the animals to have freedom so he draws a picture of himself inside a zoo and finally, Ivan helps the animals out of the cage into freedom. First animals have the right to be in the wild, they are locked inside all the time they will start to lose their hunting skills. Second, sympathy is important, animals will be treated more fairly if everyone has sympathy. Third, empathy is important that we should have, we will seem unkind without it. This is a story that teaches us many lessons and it’s very worth to read.

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