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Book Review of The Old Man and the Sea


The book The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is about an old man and a boy who both love fishing. The boy helps the old man with his daily life even with the disapproval of his parents. He brings the man food and helps with the lines. The old man's dream is to catch a big marlin. One day, the old man sets out to see to finally try and accomplish his dream. He throws his line out and waits for days of no fish. Finally, he gets a fish that he uses as bait for the big marlin. When the Marlin finally bit, he struggled for days until it died and then he slowly rowed back to shore. When he was rowing, the sharks and other animals bit at the marlin until it was just bones. People back home were surprised at the big fish and thought it was a marlin. The boy on the other hand realized the old man was weak and needed help so he gave him food. This book talks about  a failed hero, struggle and respect for nature, and friendship.

Failures are common but there are people who stay determined and keep on trying for success which makes them heroic. They may not achieve conventional success, yet they remain focused on their own target, undeterred by what others think. In the book, Santiago is a great example of this. Santiago has recurring dreams of lions which is a symbol of youth strength and ambition which makes him always want bigger fish using these dreams as motivation. He is never satisfied which makes him always fail because whatever he catches, he always wants a bigger one but every time he is always determined and keeps on trying. Compared to Moby Dick, Captain Ahab's obsessive revenge vs Santiago's quiet determination. This shows his senselessness and craziness compared to Santiago's dignified perseverance. Santiago is not surrendering to fate or public opinion and is still pursuing his personal goal despite failure. This shows how much of a hero he is although actually he failed. The resilience in the face of failure makes people’s journeys truly heroic, showing that real heroism is about having the courage to keep pursuing one's dreams, even when success seems out of reach.

The relationship between man and nature is one of both dependence and conflict. While some attempt to conquer nature and fail, those who respect it often succeed.A comparison with Moby dick, Ahab's reckless defiance is worse than Santiago's respectful struggle. These are the consequences of an unbalanced fight with nature which caused Moby Dick to lose a limb. Santiago always wants to catch a big fish which is his struggle with nature but unlike moby dick, he respects nature and is kind even when he catches the fish. This shows the difference of outcome based on the effect like Santiago not losing himself to his pursuit unlike Ahab who puts himself in danger and takes big risks to get revenge. Ahab is too overconfident and only has one goal that blinds himself from the danger and risks that he is putting himself and others in. The lesson is that courage does not mean reckless defiance while true respect for nature involves knowing one's limits and showing smart bravery. While humans and nature may often seem at odds, a balanced relationship is possible if humans approach nature with respect and humility.

Friendship is an essential bond that offers support and companionship, especially during difficult times.True friends stand by your side even when everyone else has abandoned you. Santiago had a friendship with Manolin who cared for him and Santiago let him help him with his lines and fishing in general. This connection was based on respect and care for each other and a desire to support one another. For Santiago who was old and had no relationships with his other family members so this was his only source of warmth and companionship. This shows the big effect friendship can have on others, it can change their lives. Manolin was also secretly helping him despite parental disapproval which is a sign that Santiago is not entirely alone. This friendship is a contrast to the solitude that the old man was familiar with. This is a sign that he is a real friend because he never leaves Santiago and is by his side no matter what. Real friends will never leave you and be there for you during hard times.This lasting bond of friendship reminds us that we are never truly alone in our struggles.

The book the old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway is a very interesting book about a man, boy, and fishing. Failed heroes usually seem like losers who think they can do a lot while never actually succeeding. On the good side, they keep on trying and stay determined. Santiago is never satisfied with what he catches. He always wants more which turns him into a failure eventually but he keeps on pursuing his dream. Humans should live peacefully with nature and not try to conquer it which will lead to a better and more peaceful world. With respect, comes courage which does not mean reckless defiance but instead shows smart bravery when dealing with nature. Friendship is great for the people who are in that relationship because there is a mutual warmth, care, and helping of each other. This book mainly explores the theme that people who fail stay determined no matter what makes their own way to be heros.


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