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Book Review Of the Jones Family Express

The book The Jones Family Express is about a boy named Steven who wants to give his aunt a special gift. His aunt always sent a postcard to Steven whenever she went traveling. One day Steven finds out that his aunt is going to their families annual block party and he wants to find the perfect present to thank her. Steven searches for a special gift in two shops but fails. He finally buys a train from his uncle that he found in his apartment. Steven paints the train and puts pictures of their family in all the windows, then he gives it to his aunt. At the block party everyone likes the train and the aunt gives Steven a perfect gift too. It is a postcard that says he is old enough to travel with her. Naming the train “the Jones Family Express” is very meaningful because the aunt usually travels on a train and she likes to travel. The gift will remind her of the happy memories on her trips; it also symbolizes their big family that always sticks together. It represents the love among the family members.

A family tradition is an important part of all families. It helps enhance involvement of each family member and strengthen the bond between them. Steven's aunt always sent Steven a postcard when she traveled and Steven loved the postcards. This was a tradition and it made a special bond between Steven and his aunt. The annual block party is also a family tradition and everyone wants to join it because they have a great time each year.The postcard is now something Steven will look forward to every year and it makes Steven feel special. Everyone looks forward to the annual block party and at the party people can meet relatives who they rarely see. Family traditions will create warm memories and make family members stick together.

An expensive gift is not always the best choice because the special gift comes from your heart. To get the right gift you have to put consideration in making or choosing the gift. When Steven went to get a gift, none of the shopkeepers had something that Steven wanted or could afford. Steven worked hard to choose and paint the gift in order to make the gift special. If Steven had more money he could buy the frame but it might not have made his aunt as happy as his handmade gift did. The thoughts behind the gift are more important than the cost of the gift.

Don’t lose hope because the answer can be right around the corner. If you keep on trying, the answer will get closer and closer until you reach it. Steven kept on looking for the right gift after he failed with the two shops. He was about to lose hope until his uncle came and he got the right gift. Although Steven was almost to give up, he still continued on and eventually found the right gift from his uncle. Being hopeful gave Steven the motivation he needed to get a gift for his aunt. Hope is a belief that you will succeed and this motivates people to keep on trying even through difficult times.

The book The Jonas Family Express is very engaging and teaches us that family tradition is important, not to lose hope, and an expensive gift is not always the best. Family traditions help bond family together and also bring happiness. A gift is a good way of showing affection to someone you care about. The gift does not have to be an expensive one, it has to be a gift that you picked from your heart. Choosing a gift is not easy, you will need to be hopeful and keep trying in order to find the right one.

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