Basic Elements
Characters: Wanda Pentronski, Peggy, Maddie, Miss Mason, Bill Byron, Willy Bounce, Old Man Svenson, Cecile, Jake Pentronski, Jan Pentronski,
Setting: A town school in Connecticut
Plot: Peggy and Maddie tease Wanda about her dresses, but after Wanda moves away, they realize how they hurt her.
Perspective: Third-person limited narrator
Genre: Fiction
Wanda Petronski lives in Boggins Heights, Connecticut, She goes down to a school in a small town below the hill. Wanda had no mother, only a father, and her brother, Jan Petronski. Wanda had no friends at school at all, so she just slumped beside a tree during every recess. In the class, Peggy and her best friend Maddie were the most popular. One day, Cecile showed off her ballet dress. Wanda blurted out that she had 100 dresses. Peggy and Maddie made fun of that all year long. One day and the next few days, Wanda didn’t show up. A letter from her father told that Wanda moved where students would stop teasing her. Peggy and Maddie wanted to apologize, but Wanda’s house was already empty, After, they communicated to each other using mail. However, they would never see each other again.
Bullying and discrimination are biased on people; it makes people feel that they are lower-leveled than other people. At first, people may not notice that they are discriminating, but soon, the victim would show his/her revenge. Peggy and Maddie discriminated against Wanda for her poverty, so she left the school. Peggy and Maddie probably didn’t notice that they were teasing Wanda, but soon they found out about how mean they were. Bullying and discrimination are very bad, but people may accidentally perform it with carelessness.
Growth is the act of being more experienced in the world; it gives people a sense of things. It makes people learn from their mistakes and become a more developed person. Peggy and Maddie learned that they were not supposed to make fun of people just because they were different from others. Peggy and Maddie learned a mistake that they shouldn’t tease other people; this helped them grow. Growing makes people more mature; it makes people correct themselves and become more experienced.
Empathy is forgiveness; it lets you befriend somebody who may have hurt you or bullied you. It gives people the choice to rethink, in order to be able to be flexible in matters of trouble; it keeps everything just like before, restoring the kindness between people. Though she has been discriminated against by Peggy and Maddie, Wanda is still happy and nice to them. Wanda had empathy and kindness to forgive Peggy and Maddie for their faults against Wanda; Wanda is a child with great virtue and flexibility amongst people. Empathy lets people give a second chance between each other when they have conflicts and problems.
In conclusion, the book is good because it tells us about discrimination and how to forgive. These themes are vital in life since they can affect your friendships and relationships with other people. The bad things include a sudden disheartening letter from Wanda’s father, informing the class that Wanda had left the school because of discrimination. This can affect the reader’s feelings and leave them down until the end of the story. Anyway, the book remains to be an important must-read book since it contains some of the most vital themes in life.