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Book Review of The Higher Power of Lucky

The story The Higher Power of Lucky is made by Susan Patron. It talks about a girl named Lucky, who is trying to find her higher power. In the story she has friends, like Lincoln, who is very smart and his  mom wants him to be a future president, she also has Miles, who is younger, and lives with his grandma, and adores a book called Are you my mother? In the past, Lucky goes through hard times, like when her dad left her and her mom, because he didn’t want to have a baby, but she was already born. Her mom then soon later died from a wire that had fallen down, from a thunderstorm. Her dad then called his first girlfriend Brigette, who he left because he didn’t want a baby, but Brigette does. Brigette took care of Lucky, and Lucky one day thought she was leaving, but she was planning to adopt her, and open a shop, at hardPan where they live. But she already ran away, with her dog, to go out to the mountains. But soon, she was found with Miles, yacking care of him, because he is hurt. She then threw away her mothers ashes. 

In the story of The Higher Power Of Lucky, Lucky is abandoned a lot, like her father who doesn’t want children so leaves his family. Her mother has died, so she is left alone, by herself. Brigette is also hurt, for she has been left alone to by, Lucky’s dad, who didn’t want children, so left her. There is also a problem with Lucky’s community, it is that there are not that many people, (population of 43). They all leave for different reasons like natural problems, like dust storms. It also doesn’t have that much water, it also isn’t that rich, and it is in the middle of a desert. Some people also abandon themselves, like they never give up gambling, smoking, drinking, and over-eating. But they really don’t actually abandon themselves, because they never give up, and they only hit rock bottom, only, they talk all about how they hit rock bottom, in the twelve step anonymous meetings, for people who hit rock bottom.. This is how the community of Hard pan, and Lucky’s folks, and Lucky, is abandoned, in the story.

A lot of things go the other way then what Lucky thinks,  like when she thinks everything is ok, it really isn’t, but instead she is wrong, and everything is bad. Like when she thought that Brigette was leaving her, and not coming back, it really ,that she wanted to adopt her, and make a shop. Lucky’s name, also doesn’t really mean she is Lucky, it is just her name, because in the story, Lucky is not Lucky. Instead she is unlucky, like her dad left, and her mom dies, from an accident, of a thunderstorm so she is left all alone, except with Brigette. Hard pan also goes the wrong way too, because when you pan for gold, it is easy, because all the soil is nice and soft, and easy to pan, but in Hard Pan the soil is hard, and hard to pan gold, this is because of the natural nature. This is the opposite of what Lucky thought, and Hard pans opposite meaning, in the story. 

In the story, Lucky gets mature, and brave, from many things that she had faced through like abandonment. Lucky gets braver physically, because she ran away, but through a sandstorm, and it is hard to see through a sand storm. It also is harder for her to walk, because she is getting pulled in the other direction, without seeing anything in front of her. She also is a brave Anouilh for Brigette, to scare a snake out of the laundry, when she didn’t know if it was poisonous or not, and she risked her life for her. She also got braver mentally, like when her mother died, she had to stay with Sammy for a while, and her father left her, leaving her with no relatives to play with, and having too much greasy food. She also threw her mothers remaining, into the desert, for a tradition, and to remember her, but even though it was her mothers remains and the last of her family members, she still did it. This is how in the story Lucky got braver, physically, and mentally, in the story. 

The story The Higher Power Of Lucky, talks about a girl, who’s mother died, and father left her, running away, but coming back, and living with the person that had been taking care of her, Brigette. In the story, luck is abandoned, a lot, like her mom who died, and will never see her again, or her father, who left her because he didn’t want to deal with her. In the story things Lucky thinks are wrong, like when she thinks Brigette is leaving her, she actually wants to adopt her, and make a shop in Hard pan. Her name Lucky, also doesn’t mean she is lucky, it is just her name, instead she is unlucky because her mom left her. Lucky gets more mature and brave too, like when she is physically braver, she runs away, is a dust storm, and helps Miles, a younger friend, who is only five, alive, because he has a cactus in his foot. She also is mentally brave, because she knows her mom is dead, and her dad left her, forever, and will never come back, but she does not cry for them. The story of The Higher Power Of Lucky, is a great story, and talks about many things in life that could happen.

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