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Book Review of The Door in the Wall

The story The Door in The Wall, written by Marguerite de Angeli, talks about a boy named Robin, who got ill shortly after hisDad left to war with the king of England, and his mother going to care for the Queen, because she is sick by the black  death. Robbin goes on an adventure, with people helping him like Brother Luke, carrying him and taking care of him, because Robbins legs do not work. After Robin gets better, he and Brother Luke go on an adventure to a kingdom, because Robin was supposed to be a night, but because of his legs, the person that was supposed to pick him up, left him. Once they got there, they were attacked by Switzerland, and hid, but Robbin volunteered to get help and he does. He goes to a friend's house nearby, and tells them they need back up, so they both go, and get back up. Once they got back up, everyone was happy and they won the battle, and he is a savior.

The title The Door In the Wall has a significant meaning in the story,  like Robbin was told by Brother Luke that there was always a door on the wall. The doors are the achievements that Eobbin makes, but the walls are the challenges he faced. Robbin could have faced not walking anymore and must be taken around by riding someone. But the crutches he made was an achievement to make him walk once more. Another wall he faced, is his health, but the door he went through was exercising, making his health better. Another wall was that he cannot play with his friends, but because of his crunches he could play and have fun with his friends, like playing tag ar racing. Finally his parents left so he was alone, but he did not give up, and went to the kingdom, so he could see his mom and dad. The title The Door in The Wall has a great meaning, because  there will always be a door in a wall.

Robin grows very matured throughout the story, and so do some other people, like John go in the wynde. Robin grows mature in many ways, like volunteering his own life, to rescue a bunch of people who he does not know, and this is a very dangerous trip to, because he can get killed any time. This journey he is a man, saving a whole kingdom, risking his life to die for these people. This shows us how matured he had grown over these past couple of months. John goes in the wynde and has also matured, by going down and asking for help with Robin, then he makes a plan, and they win, because of the plan. This is how much Robin and John go in the Wynde has grown mature.

There are religious beliefs in the story too, like brother Luke who is a friar, and will pray every day to god. When Robin was sent to the church with brother Luke, he learned the ways of God, and how he can heal him of his crippled legs he has. This inspires Robbin to pray with Brother Luke in the morning, evening, and Night, and he does this everyday, before the trip and after the trip. God then slowly, but surely heals Robbin, by everyday, because of how graceful, Robin is. In the church, Robin will always sing with the other friars, when he is in bed, and memorize the songs they sing, he also memorized them by their footsteps. When Robin gets better, he comes and helps them, with some chores, and they give him grace. They also tell him about God and how he should be graceful for him, because he had made this world. This shows us how the Friars there believe in God.

The book The Door In the Wall talks about a boy, named Robin, whose legs are crippled after his parents left, and how he got to the kingdom, with some friends, like Brother Luke. The book's title, The Door In the Wall, has a significant morning. The door means the achievements Robin makes, but the doors are the challenges he faces, and after the doors, there will always be a wall. Everyone also grows very mature, like Robin who risks his life to save the whole kingdom, trying to get back up and he does, and this  makes him successfully win the battle. There are religious beliefs like the Friars, who believe in God, and Brother Luke helps Robin pray every day, and tell him what to be grateful for. The book The Door In the Wal, is a fantastic book, and it has many good things about it too.

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