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Book Review of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a novel written by Mark Twain. This story tells a story about a mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer. This story starts off when Tom had a fight and went home. Aunt Polly finds out and makes him wash the fence the next day, but Tom cleverley convinces other kids to wash the fence for him. One day, Tom and another kid called Huckleberry Finn go to the graveyard one night to do a ritual. They see three bodysnatchers, Dr. Robinson, Muff Potter, and Injun Joe. Injun kills Dr. Robinson, but accuses Muff Potter of killing Dr. Robinson. After seeing it, Huck and Tom swear to each other to not talk about what they have seen. Days go on and Tom gets bored of school, so he escapes with a boy named Joe Harper and goes to Jackson’s island. There, they begin a journey, where Tom and Harper are soon thought to be dead by their family members.

A key to success is adventuring, willing to do things that may go out of your comfort zone. Tom Sawyer had shown this trait throughout the whole story. Tom always wanted to have some fun and thrill when he was growing up. He would always try to find a chance to have an adventure. Tom takes many adventures in this story. For example, Tom goes to Jackson Island and McDougal’s cave. He went to Jackson Island because he had wanted to escape the boredom of school. Many people around the world want to seek an adventure in places that they haven’t been in order to escape the boredom of their daily lives. People may also have an adventure when they are curious about something, just like Tom. Curiosity and an adventurous personality will eventually lead to great discoveries. Tom Sawyer was constantly wanting an adventure, making the story exciting the whole way through.

There is always creativity and superstitions inside all of us in the world. Tom Sawyer uses his imagination to escape reality a lot of times. In the book, he dreams of the current situation being better when it’s clearly not. In a part of the book, Tom dreams of joining the Indians and the pirates to escape from reality. From this excerpt, we could clearly see how unrealistic the things that Tom is dreaming about are. Also, in this book, Tom shows clear superstition in his actions. One belief that he has in the book is the belief that if he had buried a marble into the ground, it would magically appear after a while. This is not true, but is clearly showing Tom’s creativity and how much he believes in his superstitions. Many people in the world have superstitions that they follow in their daily lives. A common superstition is not to open an umbrella in a room. Superstitions and creativity is what makes everyone stand out in their ways.

The youth of people is always a great part of their lives, but maturing is always going to happen. Tom is a very mischievous and childish character at the start of the book. He wants to have an adventure and is imagining a world that would never happen. Tom is constantly trying to rebel, and wants his life to be more adventurous. During these adventures, Tom subtly becomes more mature. Many events happen making Tom more and more mature in his life. For example, he knew what was the right decision for Muff Potter’s trial and his courageous navigation of the cave, to help save everyone else. Tom has been affected by the love of all of his family members and his friends. People all around the world have or will experience being gradually more mature in their lives. Becoming mature is the gap between becoming an adult and being a child. This gap will be filled gradually just like Tom, with many factors that can be contributed to maturity. This book clearly shows maturity inside of Tom.

The book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a very accurate and adventurous book about a mischievous boy, Tom Sawyer. This novel has three main themes, adventure, creativity and superstitions, and maturing. Tom is always bored and constantly wants more and more adventure in his life. These adventures that Tom Sawyer has is the main plot of the book. Many times in the book, situations may be a little bad. Tom uses his creativity and imaginations to imagine other situations that he wants to happen. All the imaginations are not very probable and many have superstitions involved in it. Throughout this whole book, Tom has grown and clearly become more mature compared to the start of the book. Many events and people have helped lead to the growth of Tom. This book is a very unique book and raises a lot of things that people do in their lives.

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