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Book review of Strawberry Girl

Characters: [Birdie (Berthenia Lou), Dixie (Lee Francine), Robert (Bunny), Pa (Buzz), Dan (Daniel Alexander), Dovey (Dovey Eudora), Bihu (Birdie’s big brother), Ma, all Boyers] Sam Slater, Misses Slater, Gus Slater, Joe Slater, Shoestring, Zephy, Essie. 

Setting: in the early 1900s, Florida

Plot: The Boyer family moved to Florida and never had peace until one day when Misses Boyer helped Misses Slater when she was sick. 

Perspective: Third-person viewpoint

Genre: children’s novel

Author: Lois Lenski

The story “Strawberry Girl" written by Lois Lensk talks about two families that don't get along so well. The Boyer family had just moved to Florida, but their neighbors, the Slater family, didn't want them. They tried everything to get them out, first, they sent their hogs to eat the Boyers' strawberries, so the Boyers fenced their garden, but the slaters' cows crunched it, then, the Slaters poisoned their mule. Finally, they wanted to wanted to burn their house down. But one day, Mrs Slater got sick and Sam wasn't home. The Boyers offered to help, and the two families became friends.

Power of Religion shows how believing in something bigger, like God, can help people stay strong and make good choices, even when things are tough. If you believe in God,  they will give you guidance and tell you what’s right. They will help you and give you hope to go through bad times. If you believe in god, you will try to do the right thing instead of bad ones. In the story, when the Slaters destroyed the Boyer family's strawberries, they stayed calm and thought about what to do. They still listen to the gods no matter how hard it is because they believe in gods, and their faith helps them know the difference between right and wrong. The boyers followed the gods' orders even when others didn't. They learned to keep calm in hard times. Not having faith or guidance can make things more difficult.

Without the skills and education, one can't live properly, they don't work hard enough to feed himself or herself or their family.  Learning helps people avoid mistakes. If they don’t learn from what they did wrong, they’ll keep doing the same thing over and over, which can make things harder for them. In the story, the Boyers learn a lot while the Slaters don't. The boyers learn from their mistakes, and from education. This made them better farmers. Meanwhile, the Slaters don't believe that education helps make life better. They didn't learn from their mistakes nor did they care about life skills. Education can reassure you for a better future.

Stubbornness prevents people from accepting new knowledge, new ideas, or new change, and it will influence improvement. Stubbornness means no preparation for change and no acceptance of new things. If a person doesn’t learn new things and stays where he or she is, one won’t know enough about the world. The new knowledge is important because we have to gain it into our brain to stay up with the main trend. In the story, the Slaters believe that only their decisions are right. This is stubbornness, which prevents them from learning new things and helping others. And that leads them to suffer. Stubbornness is bad for anyone. It can cause a hard life for that person.

The story “Strawberry Girl" talks about two families that don't get along. The Boyer family had just moved to Florida, but their neighbors, the Slater family, didn't want them. They tried everything to get them out, the Slaters poisoned their mule. And, they wanted to wanted to burn their house down. But one day, Mrs Slater got sick but Sam wasn't home. The Boyers helped, and the two families became friends. The belief in gods can help people have a better life. Education can help you do almost anything. And If we don’t learn new stuff, we cannot know more than what happens around us.

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