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Book Review of Sense and Sensibility

Sense and Sensibility is a book by Jane Austen that came out in 1811. It’s about two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, who don’t have much money after their dad dies. The book is about their love lives and how different the sisters are. Elinor is really sensible and Marianne is really emotional. They both find love and happiness after going through some tough times. Marianne falls for John Willoughby, who seems to be a romantic lover but is in reality an unscrupulous fortune hunter. He deserts Marianne for an heiress, and she eventually makes a sensible marriage with Colonel Brandon. Meanwhile, Elinor forms an attachment with Edward Ferrars, Fanny’s brother. However, she is outwardly reserved about her affections, especially after learning that he has been secretly engaged to Lucy Steele for several years. The novel explores themes such as social status and classification, marriage, and the role of women in society.

Classifications of social status are very useful tools to use when analyzing stories or books. In the society shown in the novel, individuals are divided into different classes based on their wealth and family background. The rich, such as John Dashwood and Robert Ferrars, enjoy a life of privilege and comfort, while the poor, such as the Steele sisters and Eliza Williams, struggle to survive. Social mobility is possible, but rare, with characters such as John Willoughby and Lucy Steele attempting to climb the social ladder through marriage or other means. For example, Lucy Steele becomes engaged to Edward Ferrars in hopes of improving her social status. However, when Edward is disinherited by his mother for refusing to break off the engagement, Lucy quickly transfers her affections to his brother Robert, who has inherited the family fortune. This demonstrates how marriage can be used as a tool for social climbing. This idea can also be used in real life. This tool can be used when you are in a bad financial situation. Although it is very risky, it is still worth a try if you are struggling in life. Stories can give us lots of life lessons that you can use to get over hard times. Risks have to be made to succeed in life.

Marriage is a very important part of life, but it can sometimes be used the wrong ways to gain advantages. It is often used as a tool for social climbing or maintaining social immobility. Characters such as John Willoughby and Lucy Steele use marriage as a means to improve their social status, while others, such as Mrs. Ferrars, use it to maintain their family’s position in society. Love and personal happiness are often secondary considerations in these marriages. For example, Mrs. Ferrars tries to force her sons to marry Miss Morton, a wealthy heiress, regardless of their personal feelings. Similarly, John Willoughby abandons his love for Marianne Dashwood in favor of a more advantageous match with Miss Grey. These examples show how marriage can be used to maintain or improve one’s social status. In the modern world, people get and give more love and care from their loved ones from marriages. It would be very unethical to use marriages to gain money or other advantages to themselves. Love and care is priceless and should be held higher than personal gains such as money and power. Love is a part of life and not an evil tool. Bad marriages were accepted by people in the past, but these couples won’t go far and live a happy life.

The role of women in 18th-19th century society is very interesting for us who live in the present day. Women have limited opportunities for education or employment and are often dependent on men for financial support. Marriage was seen as the primary means for women to secure their future, with characters such as Lucy Steele waiting patiently for years to marry Edward Ferrars. Women also wield power within their families, with characters such as Fanny Dashwood controlling her husband John and Mrs. Ferrars deciding her sons’ inheritance. However, women are also vulnerable to being abandoned or mistreated by men, as seen in the cases of Marianne Dashwood and Eliza Williams. Women’s lives can get really hard and can struggle in an unfair society. Limited education and employment opportunities are mostly given to men. Women can only become successful if they marry a good and wealthy man. It is very unfair for women's lives to be dependent on the men who chose them. Modern society should learn from our mistakes and make the world fair and safe for everyone.

In conclusion, “Sense and Sensibility” is a book that talks about love, society, and how important you are in 18th-19th century England through the lives of its characters. The book talks about how important you are in society, getting married, and the role of women. The story’s detailed description of her characters’ problems and successes offers a commentary on the human condition. Through the exploration of these themes in relation to the story of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, Austen provides valuable insights into the challenges facing women in 18th-19th century England and highlights the importance of being true to yourself and being emotionally strong.

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