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Book Review of Sarah Plain and Tall

Basic Elements: 

Characters: Sarah, Anna (I) , Caleb, Jacob( Papa )

Setting: in home , a winter 

Plot: Mama died the day after Caleb is born 

Perspective: The first person viewpoint

Genre: Novel / children's book 

The story Sarah Plain and Tall, written by Patricia MacLachlan talks about a family has lost the mother, and all the family is very lonely, Papa doesn’t sing anymore because of no mama, Caleb doesn’t know anything about her mama, and wants to know more, Anna is very sad that she didn’t say goodnight to her mother, all of them are very lonely, and Sarah is too, her brother is married and has new family. When Witting’s home needs a new mother, Sarah wants to be the new mother. Sarah is very lonely at first, but the Witing's swim with her, teach her riding and sledging, draw with her make her feel less lonely. And at last the four of them are not very lonely because of each other and the neighbor too. 

Everyone will be lonely in different times and ways, but all of our loneliness is not all the same. You might be lonely when you have no friends around to play, to study, to do things together, you might be lonely when you lost a good friend or a family members, you might be lonely when you are in a new place like a new school, a new community, a new school, a new business, a new city, a new country, you might feel lonely when no one believes you and no one on your side…there are many many reasons that we will be lonely. In the story, Anna doesn't say something good to her mother, Caleb doesn’t have a mother, Jacob doesn’t sing with his wife anymore, Anna’s brother has a new family. Everyone’s loneliness in the story is not all the same. There will be many types of loneliness. 

When the family changes, there is something we cannot control, but our life should still move on. Family will change when you grow, if you have a husband or a wife, your old family will change. You in the old family will have a new character, a husband or wife, or a father or mother. Sooner or later, we need to have a new family with strangers. When your family has one who is married or divorced,  you cannot do anything, you should go on. In the story, Sarah’s brother is married, and he has a new family, a new place to live, and her family will separate, she has to find her new family with a stranger. And Witting’s family has lost their mother. And all of them cannot change the truth, they have to go on. The two families have all changed, but they have to go on. Family will change, but what we can do is go on. 

Everyone has a lovely and warm home, and the home is where your heart is. We were born in a lovely home, and our parents and family will let us grow, and we will grow in a lovely home with many family members who loved us very much. And our heart is in this home, we love the home we lived in when we were very little. And we will have a new family where our heart is, and we will give birth to a little child, and let him or her have a home. When we are alive, our heart will still be in our home, and the home will still be the place where your heart is. In the story At the beginning, Sarah’s home is in Maine, so when she stays in the Wittings home, she feels lonely. In the end, Sarah is no longer lonely, because her heart is in her new home in Witting’s. Sarah’s heart is always in her home. Home is a place for our heart. 

In conclusion, in this story, it told us many things in a small story . There are two families that have changed, the Wittings family has lost their mother, and they feel very sad. Sarah's family’s brother is married and they have changed, and are very lonely. And they live together, they swim, they ride horses and sledge, and they draw together. At the beginning, they don't have a big difference, but at last, they feel not very lonely. Using  this story, the author told us everyone will be lonely in different times and ways, but all of our loneliness is not all the same, when the family changes, there is something we cannot control, but our life should still move on, Everyone has a lovely and warm home, and the home is where your heart is. This story is very good, read it if you have time. 

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