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Book Review of Roller Skates

The book ‘Roller Skates’ by Ruth Sawyer is about a girl named Lucinda Wyman who goes to New York while her parents are on a trip to Italy. From the very beginning, she starts making a lot of new friends from different races, social statuses, and ages with her roller skate that she brings. She also gets introduced to a lot of new things, like some of Shakespeare's works, including his tragedies. Later, she experiences her own tragedy when two of her friends die. However, Lucinda stays strong and makes her way through the different obstacles and continues to spend her time with friends and people she likes. In the end, when leaving, Lucinda remarks that she wanted to stay ten forever and never grow up.

Confidence and self-assurance helps one become independent and able to be successful individually. Being confident and capable helps one be able to live by themselves without help and still achieve one’s goals. In the book, Lucinda learns to be more independent and confident throughout the story. She starts by befriending strangers and becomes more confident over time to be able to communicate well and talk with them. She also becomes independent and goes to school alone, travels back and forth between places, and plays and hangs out with her friends. Because of her independence, she gets trust and gets the ability to go wherever she likes. She also acted like an adult and was very mature, which left a lasting impression on everyone. This clearly tells us the importance of being confident and independent. It’s just the way of society; those who are capable can survive on their own and thrive and achieve their goals, while the ones that are more dependent will have a harder time. Independence and being capable are necessary skills that help one thrive.

Love is what keeps people from being separated and parted, no matter how harsh the conditions or how desperate one is. Love and close relationships keep everyone together, no matter what obstacles or barriers come their way. In the book, love and separation appear throughout the story, affecting relationships dominantly. After the deaths of Trinket and Princess Zayda, Lucinda realizes the important and lasting value of friendship and the possibility of keeping other people alive through memories. Even though she felt very depressed, she still remembered them. She comes to the understanding that love breaks through all barriers, even death, and doesn't let it let her down. This shows us the power of love and how it breaks through all obstacles. Strong relationships help people care for each other. It also gives them the ability to remember each other no matter where they are or their status, even though they are no longer in the world physically. The power of love is stronger than any type of obstacle and can break through them all, even death.

Giving one their needed freedom is necessary to help them grow and learn as an individual. Everyone needs their own freedom and ability to do what they want to do, so letting them do so is very important. In the book, Lucinda is given the opportunity to skate outside of her home and interact with friends. Her very understanding caretaker, Miss Peters, allows her to leave her home without her nearby. Because of that, Lucinda is able to interact with a lot of her friends that she normally wouldn’t get the chance to if she wasn’t allowed to roam freely. Unlike Miss Peters, Aunt Emily does not allow Lucinda to do so, which causes her to dislike her a lot, and feel very miserable inside when not allowed to have her freedom and always doing what she is told to do. This clearly shows us the importance of letting one get his/her individual ability to do what they wish. When allowed to do so, one can learn many new things, and interact with many individuals. But, when not allowed freedom, they can get mentally hurt and depressed, which can cause multiple mental health issues. Letting one do what they wish to do helps them grow and learn.

Confidence, Self-assurance, love, and having one’s own freedom are all important to one, both mentally and physically. Being confident and independent helps one be able to have the necessary skills to survive and thrive. In the book, Lucinda possesses both of the skills, which helps her be able to make friends and take care of herself in the new surroundings. Love breaks through all barriers and obstacles, even death. In the book, after princess Zayda and Trinket died, Lucinda didn’t let their death let her down, but instead carried on their memories. Finally, giving one their own freedom helps them learn. In the book, when Lucinda is given the freedom to play and hang out with her friends, she learns new things and strengthens their relationships. But, when she is not given the ability to do so, she feels depressed and hurt inside.

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