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Book Review Of Peter Pan - Those Who Don’t Grow Up

The story, Peter Pan, written by J.M. Barrie, talks about a boy who never grew up. There was another girl called Wendy who one night met Peter Pan and helped him sew his shadow back on his body. They became friends and Peter took her and her brothers to neverland. There, Wendy became a mother to many children. But her parents miss her. One day while she was deciding to go back, pirates kidnapped them and made them walk the plank. Peter fought with the captain and won. He saved the children. But Peter Pan still never grew up, even after Michael had. Every descendant of Wendy and other children get to meet Peter Pan.

Lots of other people don’t grow up, not on looks, but just not growing by looking at their movements and also what they are thinking. Doing silly things like when we don’t want to drink medicine, pour it into the dog’s water or food. That is what Mr. Darling does when others ask him to drink medicine. Mr. Darling is very proud, and always boasting about his good things. He is poor, but he still pretends to be rich like others. When he does something wrong, he not only says that it is not him, but also turns the fault on others. Now we know that Mr. Darling is not grown in his mind.

Growing up is not only determined by looks, but by mind and also what they do. Mr. Darling doesn’t grow up, because even though he does look grown-up, he still acts childishly. Besides Mr. Darling, there are lots more people who look big, and grown, but still immature when doing things, and when big things happen. Most times, kid’s reactions are mostly different to adults. Growing up means both getting taller and athletic, but also their minds growing up, too. Lots of people don’t grow up, not meaning that they don’t grow big and strong, but that they still act like a kid when they are big and strong.

Many times, some people, who we think are adults, actually do childish things. Another name for it is called Peter Pan Syndrome. These people make an effort to avoid responsibility. They also fear commitment like the plague. They misunderstand freedom, thinking that everything that entails responsibility or commitment goes against it. People with Peter Pan Syndrome usually behave like youngsters, and they also try to play pranks on other people. Having this Peter Pan Syndrome means that a person isn’t grown up. Sometimes, growing up is not only described as growing higher than before, but growing up, and thinking like an adult.

Peter Pan talks about a boy who doesn’t grow up, and nor does he want to. Many people that don’t grow up, like Mr. Darling, acts childish even when we think they are taller than usual grown - ups. Interestingly, there very well may be people who “stay like that forever,” and they have something known as Peter Pan Syndrome. It makes them not want to grow up, and also act very much like a kid. Everyone will look grown up, but some people won’t in their minds. To grow up means both looks and also mind, learning to be an adult and thinking like an adult.

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