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Book Review of Onion John


This story talks about a boy named Andy who makes friends with a strange man named Onion John. One day, Andy went to a baseball competition, he was nervous, until he saw Onion John, in the end, his team won. Another time, Onion John invited Andy and his friend to pick some fruit. Another day, Andy's father and others decide to build John a modern house, but he accidentally burns the house down. Seeing that John is uncomfortable, Andy urges him to leave. Andy also wanted to go with him, but he didn't, and John left alone. We can learn some lessons from this story.

In a family, there are many different perspectives and expectations, and this can cause many problems. There are many different people in a family, and they have different personalities and expectations. Sometimes, family members don’t understand each other, but they can mature and gradually understand each other. In the story, Andy’s father wants Andy to be an engineer, and he pushes a lot, but Andy is lazy and doesn’t want to be an engineer. They didn’t understand each other at first; each wanted to accomplish their own goals. But in the end, they gradually understood each other; for example, when Andy wanted to leave home, his father didn’t blame him. So, in a family, family members can gradually understand each other, no matter their perspectives.

Sometimes, people can grow personally through others’ help. As I have said before, family members can mature and gradually understand each other. But sometimes, improvement can only show when others help the person who is trying to mature. The person helping can sacrifice something, make friends with the person, or do other things to help the person improve. In the story, making friends with Onion John helped Andy face reality, learn to express himself in a good way, find his own path in life, and also understand his father. Onion John helped Andy to open his eyes to reality; for example, when he left Serenity, he told Andy that he couldn’t take him because Andy was grown-up, and he meant that Andy should follow his own path. So, people can mature through others' help.

To accept the different personalities or expectations of people in order to understand them, we should learn some things and learn to do some things. First, some people don’t want to work hard, while others challenge themselves and work hard; we should understand that in order to understand some people. Second, we should show respect for others’ choices; we shouldn’t force them to do what they don’t want to do. In the story, Andy’s father forced Andy to try to be an engineer and didn’t think about what Andy thought. Third, sometimes forcing people to do things that can be good for them may hurt them. So, we should learn a few things to understand and accept different people.

In conclusion, this story talks about a boy named Andy who befriends a strange man named Onion John, and they do many things together. But disaster struck when the people of Serenity gave Onion John a modern house to live in, and he burned it down. He soon leaves the town and leaves Andy behind. The few things that we learned are very useful for us because they can help us to understand and accept others. First, in a family, different people have different viewpoints and expectations. Second, personal growth can be made through others’ help. Last, we should understand other people’s perspectives and expectations, show respect for their choices, and understand that sometimes, initial good purpose can hurt them in order to accept and understand them.


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