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Book Review of My Very Own Room

Mijita liked his brothers, but she was tired of sharing a room with them. She searches around the house and sees the storage room as a good place for a room. However, her mom said that they can't, but quickly realizes they can take the stuff to the front porch. Then, Mijita needs to paint her room. There is not enough paint of any color, so she mixed them to make magenta paint. Then, she fetches Tío Pancho’s bed. She then uses a crate as a nightstand and buys a lamp using stamps her parents got. She then ran to the public library and filled her room with books. She then invited her brothers into her room, read them a story, and fell asleep in a pile of books.

Privacy is needed when someone wants to do what he wants without other people around or keep a distance from others. There is always something that someone will want to do by themselves, without influence from other people. Mijita wanted to create an environment in her room that felt safe and cozy. She wanted to have a comfortable bed to sleep in, a lamp to read by, and books to read. She wanted to create a space where she could take a break from the crowded house, and do something she likes without interference from other people. Everyone will sometimes need a distraction from the outside world, and concentrate on something alone.

If someone helps us get something we desire, we should do something in return as well and this is how good relationships form. It is important to show gratitude for the people who help us reach our goals, and one way to do this is to let them also enjoy the fruits of their labor. Mijita’s brothers were working hard to help her get what she wanted, so in return, Mijita invited them into her room to enjoy the results of their work together. Mijita was showing that she appreciates their hard work and was grateful for their help. She loved them, and wanted to do something for their effort. We should give something back to the people who helped us, and let them know how they have helped us.

We not only need to figure out our desire, we should put in our own thoughts to make the results as satisfactory as possible. If we make it the way we want it, the results are sure to be good, but if someone else helped, there could be imperfections because they might not know what we want. Mijita's resourcefulness and creativity in finding ways to make her room a special place for her and her brothers to enjoy is commendable. She is not waiting for others to make her room, but stepped in and did most of the work and made all the decisions. She used her parents' stamps to buy a lamp that she likes, mixed paint from different colors to make the perfect shade for her room, and filled her room with books from the public library to create a cozy atmosphere. If we do it as we wish, the results will be what we wanted originally and our wishes will become true.

In conclusion, My Very Own Room is a book about the need for private space and time for everyone who grew up. However, we also need love and close relationships with others, and we need to be grateful to others who helped us to get what we want. Also, creativity is a window for us opened to a new world despite of our present conditions. It teaches us that even though everyone needs privacy, we should balance by maintaining a relation with our close friends and family members at the same time. Also, we should do our best to get the best results, instead of just waiting in grievance. We should take the initiative to ourselves and find that help might just be around the corner.

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