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Book Review of Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

The story Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is written by Robert C. O'Brien. This story is preeminent and has numerous absorbing conflicts, with countless unique characters. The author Robert C. O'Brien has put on a diverse set of exciting and highly treacherous adventures through Mrs. Frisby. He has also put many thoughts into what might be happening to the rats and has given a great fascinating fantasy story. The story talks about Mrs. Frisby, and how her son Timothy is seriously ill. She tries to find a way to cure him. She gets medicine for him, but they must move soon, but they don’t have time, because Timothy will still be sick. A crow that she saved said he can bring her to an old owl, and she agrees. The owl tells her to go to the rats of NIMH, and they will help her. She does what he says, and they help her move her house. She then told them that people are gonna try to find them so they run away. Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of NIMH, is a loved book, and has a strong feature of a fantasy book, with rats and mice talking. Arthur has put in some extraordinary characters with various types of characteristics, and these characters will never be forgotten. 

In the story, the author makes most of the characters mice or rats. But Mrs. Frisby is in a family crisis, and this could happen to humans too, like her baby Timothy is sick, and she has four kids to take care of at the same time, she also is a single parent because her husband died, and they have to relocate somewhere else very soon. But the author did this on purpose, because this story is a fantasy. Fantasy is where there is magic happening, like talking animals, and you can understand them, or where there are magical castles, things that do not exist in the real world. But the story feels like it is not a fantasy story, but it can be a real one, of a human family in this crisis. But it’s not only the inside of the family though, it also is the outside of the family too. Like when Mr. Frisby helps them escape, they help his family, by moving their house to the safe side of a stone. This is why the author made the characters rats and mice, and not a human family. 

In the story there are many similar things as humans. Yes they may have huge differences like having four legs, and a tail. But their behaviors are the same as ours, like we forgive each other, we get in fights, and we help each other. But one of the most important things is friendship, because we humans also have friendship, and so do the rats. For example we have Mrs. Frisby and Mr. Ages, they both knew each other for a while, and they both became old friends because of Timothy. We also have Mrs. Frisby and Jeremy Jeremy had saved Mrs. Frisby, when she was trapped, in the cage, by the boy. Mrs. Frisby has made friends, like the owl, who she did not know, but he had helped her, by telling her stuff to do, to save her house. Mrs. Frisby has also made good friends she can trust like the Rats of NIMH, who she saved at the end, and also they saved her, for the plowing. These are the friendships in the story. 

There's a lot of humans being bad, like Dr. Schultz experiments on the rats and mice, and does not care about them, but only the project he is working on. This is called cruelty, where people have no forgiveness about what they do, something mean or rude. Dr. Schultz is like that because he has no empathy, or no caring on what pain they are in, and is horrible to them. This makes them selfish, because they are hurting others, for their own benefits, like getting famous. They are also only selfish, because they hurt animals, or others, just for money, and only want to get rich from their experiment. This also causes pain to the other animals, not just physically, but mentally, because firstly, they have killed some family, and the one that lives in mourning of their loss. They also hurt their friends, and family, hurting them, and marking them lonely. They also have separated them, so they cannot talk to each other, making them even lonelier. This is the cruelty that some humans have in the world. 

The story Mrs. Frisby and The Rats Of NIMH, is a fantastic fantasy story, and has many inspiring themes. It also has some unique characters, and \different things that you may have never thought of. In the story, most of the characters are mice and rats, but it can be a human story, but the author made them rats and mice on purpose, because this is a fantasy story, where they can talk, and it has a lot of magic. In the story they might have some different things from humans, like the rats and mice, who have four legs and a tail, but their behavior are like ours, like they have friendship, like Mrs. Frisby, and Mr. Ages, who are great friends and always will be. There is a lot of human, cruelty in the story, like Dr. Schultz, who is cruel to him, having no empathy for what he did to the rats and mice, like when he gives them shots, and maybe hurts them, physically and mentally. The story Mrs. Frisby and The Rats Of NIMH, is a great and loved story, for not only its fantasy, but its great themes, and always will be.

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