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Book Review of Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

In the story “Mrs. Frisby and The Rats of Nimh” by Robert C. O'Brien, the main character Mrs. Frisby a single parent, takes care of her son, Timothy, who falls ill just as the farmer Mr. Fitzgibbon begins preparation for spring plowing in the field where the Frisby family lives. She obtains medicine, then under a friend’s advice she goes to seek help from an owl who dwells in the forest, at last Mrs. Frisby receives help from the rats of Nimh who have near-human intelligence, with a literate and mechanized society. As The rats are prepared for Mrs Frisby’s house move they come up with their own "The Plan," which is to abandon their lifestyle of dependence on humans, which some rats regard as theft, for a new, independent farming colony. The successful house move of the rats allows the Frisby mouse family to remain while Timothy recovers before moving to their summer home.  

The harshness of human behavior is starkly evident in the treatment of the rats in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, as they endure extreme cruelty in scientific experiments. The cruelty of humans is visible from the past of the rats of Nimh. The rats of Nimh were captured by scientists working for a laboratory located at NIMH or National Institute of Mental Health and the subsequent experiments that the humans performed on the rats. They live miserable lives in separate cages and undergo injections that can cause them pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm. When they show a natural reaction from the mistreatment; like running away and defending themselves, humans show no empathy forcing them to continue with the experiment; electric shock. Humans are selfish by putting ruthless experiments on innocent lives to benefit themselves. In conclusion humans show lack of consideration and unacceptable treatment toward animals for human gain.  

The interactions between the characters in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH highlight the inherent virtue of animals, showcasing their support and gratitude. In the passage the rats of NIMH, led by Nicodemus, come to Mrs. Frisby’s aid when her home is threatened by the plow. Showing gratitude to the help Mrs Frisby’s husband gave them during their escape from NIMH. Mrs Frisby helps free Jeremy the crow from a wire tangled around one of his legs in return the crow gives great advice and transports her to various locations. The owl provides Mrs. Frisby with crucial guidance and information. Jonathan, rats in NIMH, owl and Mr Ages all give back kindness towards each other. Through their acts of kindness, the rats, Jeremy, the owl, and other characters demonstrate the strength of collaboration and compassion in aiding. 

The use of animals in Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH gives a different insight to human issues. Frisby, a mouse, displays strength and bravery when she faces challenges. The story uses a mouse to show how even tiny creatures can exhibit enormous courage. Mrs. Frisby's role as a single mom dealing with a family crisis, including relocating her home and looking after a sick child, resonates with real-life struggles. Her quest to rescue her ill son Timothy illustrates these traits. The animal-based fantasy mirrors actual human concerns like the mistreatment of animals. In conclusion Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, the choice of using animals as characters rather than humans serves two purposes: it engages readers with a fantastical narrative and reflects real human issues.

In conclusion, the tale "Mrs Frisby and the Rat of NIMH" by Robert C. O'Brien explores several themes; humans treat animals when they experiment on them for specific gains. Even though it hurts animals, research on them helps to create antibiotics and other drugs as well as vaccines and ways to do surgery that make human lives better. If animals didn't help, many humans would die. The writer also creates characters who show they care and can bounce back from hard times. The story shows animal customs through how the characters act and help each other to get stronger and deal with tough stuff. By turning these ideas into a story, the author grabbed readers' attention. This book is both an exciting adventure and a reminder that we need to treat all living things right.

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