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Book Review of James and The Giant Peach

This story talks about a boy named James, whose parents got eaten by a rhinoceros , and he went to live with his aunts, Aunt Sponge, and Aunt Spiker, they were very mean. But one day, a miracle happened, a peach grew on the ancient peachtree who never gave any peaches. When James was kicked out of the house to clean, he found out there was a hole in the peach! He then met a grasshopper, a centipede, a spider, a lady bug, an earthworm, a silkworm, and a glow worm. They had many adventures together, and at the end, they became rich, famous, and successful. 

You can not judge things by its cover because almost nobody is like you in this world, and also even if somebody looks weird or different, then it doesn’t mean that they are bad. For example, aliens, we think that aliens are those scary, and bad “creatures” from another dimension, but, they think the same thing too, they think that we are those scary, bad “creatures” from another dimension, why, because we haven't even met each other, so we are scared of them, and also, they are different. In the story, when the peach land on the spike of the Empire State Building, when the “creatures” looked down, some people started guessing, and calling the 

“creatures” names like wampus, snozzwanger, and whangdoodle. I think that is wrong, because they don’t even know what they were, and they were just guessing, also I think that it is mean to call the “creatures” names, if someone did that to you would you like it? If nobody judged things by its cover, then the world would be more kind, and respectful.

You can not hit people for nothing, because when you hit people for nothing, they will think that you are mean, and get you back, also you will break their heart, and they won’t trust you anymore. For example, there are two students, and they are friends, then, one of them hits the other on the back for nothing, and the next day his or her friend keeps avoiding him or her, why, because the other person is afraid that the friend which hit him or her would hit you again. In the story, when Aunt Sponge, and Aunt Spiker treated James like that he didn’t like that, so he left the house. I think that is OK, because James doesn’t like them already, and his aunts also don't like him, so I think it is OK for James to leave the house, but not OK for his aunts to treat him like that. If we stop hitting people for nothing, we will get more friends, and we will get treated better.

You can not give people stuff that they don’t know randomly, because sometimes when they don’t follow a step correctly, then they might die, so it could do more harm than good. Also,  they might also break it, for example somebody brought a very expensive gold necklace for his or her friend, and the next day they broke it! In the story, the old man gave something very powerful to James, but later when he was running into the kitchen, he accidentally spilled those very precious little things. I think that is wrong to give James the little white bag, because what if it was poisonous, also the old man could keep it for himself, so he could have the power. If we stopped giving people “random” things, then they will have more trust in us.

This story talks about a boy named James whose parents died, and he went to live with his aunts, and one day, there was a giant peach, and he met his friends, and they had many adventures together, and at last became rich, and successful. 

This story teaches us many lessons like, you can’t judge things by its cover, you can not hit people for nothing, and. I think this story is amazing, and I recommend you to read it because it is very fun, and teaches us great lessons.

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