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Book Review of James and Giant Peach

Character: James Henry Trotter, James’s Aunt Sponge, Aunt Spiker, Green Grasshopper, EarthWorm, Centipede, Spider, Silkworm, Ladybug, Glowworm.

Setting: In the London

Genre: Fiction

Plot: James and his friends travel on the giant peach.

James and the Giant Peach is written by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Nancy Ekholm Burert. James's parents died when he was four years old. His two aunts adopted him. But the aunts are being mean to James. One day, a strange old man gives him a bag of little green things and says these things could let James have a happy life. The green little things make the peach tree grow a giant peach! Then James entered the peach and met his friends: Green grasshopper, EarthWorm, Centipede, Spider, Silkworm, Ladybug, and Glowworm. They have a fantastic adventure getting to New York. Finally, they find the perfect job and start a happy new life. 

Firstly, I learned that teamwork can make things done better, faster, and more successful. A single arrow is easy to break, but a bundle of arrows is not easy to break.

In the story, when James and his friends met sharks on the journey, spider and silkworm made the ropes, and James hung the ropes onto the seagull’s neck. Teamwork takes James and his friends to change danger into safety.  They can show their advantages and work together to solve survival problems when they are together. One tree doesn’t make a forest. Teamwork is essential to our success. 

Secondly, I learned what true friendship is like. True friendships should help each other,  take care of each other, and be confident in each other. In the story, James’s friends trust him whenever James says anything, and when the Centipede falls into the sea, James jumps down and saves it. James and his friends make deep friendships and help each other when facing various challenges on the journey. A friend in need is a friend indeed. True friendships are always proven when we face challenges or problems together.

Last but not least, I learned that life has many challenges, and these challenges can make us grow. When we face challenges, more or less,  easy or complex, we can gain experience and ability.  In the story, James meets many challenges. He was almost eaten by a shark, an attack made by Cloudmen, and spiked on the needle of the Empire State Building.  Fighting these challenges makes James become a brilliant, strong leader. Not everyone’s life is always easy, everyone always needs the challenge to grow. We need to make us strong now, so we won’t feel fail when we face challenges. 

From this book,  I learned that teamwork can make things done better, faster, and more successful; what true friendship is like; life has many challenges, and these challenges can make us grow. This book is full of amazing adventures, and I always feel the time is short when I read it.  I think this book is a beautiful fiction book. I hope you can read it with your friends or family.

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