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Book Review of It’s Like This, Cat

The book It’s Like This, Cat is written by Emily Cheney Neville. The story talks about Dave Mitchel taking care of a stray cat named Cat, he got from aunt Kate. Cat has led Dave into some bad things, like getting in fights, and some good things, like seeing new people, Tom or Kate, or even Mary. Cat had also led Dave into adventures, like into a cellar, and he met Tom. Cat had also needed assistance from Dave, because he had been getting into fights with other cats, and Dave was getting worried, and thinking of getting him altered. Dave decided to get Cat altered so he would not get himself killed by the other cats. Soon Dave’s father helps Kate with some money, and helps Tom with his work. He also likes Cat more. At the end Tom and his girlfriend Hilda, decide to Marry each other. Tom is also going to enlist in the army, and stay for three years, while doing school at the same time. 


Cat and Dave have very similar characteristics in the story, like they both are stressed and in anxiety. Like Cat who is shedding, and is avoiding the litter box. He also is running for cover and getting more aggressive, and feels weird. These things could cause the cat to die. The same thing goes for humans too, like, being afraid of meeting others, and making us being berry shy, and we may not get a job, and will starve. Cats also start being independent, like going outside, by themselves, pooping themselves, and cleaning themselves. Humans also can be independent, like going out, and going to the bathroom, and cleaning their room and clothes. But even though they might seem ready, they may be non, like cats who cannot survive, without getting hurt, by other animals. Humans too, because maybe they sorted their clothes wrong. This shows us that cats and humans can have a lot in common. 

Humans are growing mature, or they have grown up to be teenagers or adults, like Tom, or Hilda. Tom has grown, more matured, by going to school, and being more responsible, and started going to the army, and started dating, and planning. Hilda has grown mature by taking care of Tom, and dating him to, and doing her job at the same time. Dave has also grown mature, because he is taking care of Cat who needs to be taken to the vet every once in a while, and is making new friends, and helping them, he is also not arguing with his dad that much anymore. Dave’s dad is also getting better, at not yelling that much, to Dave, and making him mad, and they start arguing more, but instead making jokes. This is how people are getting more mature in the story.

In the story, there are family problems, with everyone, like Dave who’s dad always fights with him. But at the end of the story they fix this, by not fighting so much, and instead making jokes trying to make everyone laugh, this also helps their mother, because they are not fighting so much, making her have almost no more asthma. There is also Tom, who fought with his step mom, who does not like him, and his dad who says  to him that he is not welcome at home anymore, so Tom goes away, making Tom alone, by himself. Aunt Kate, also has family problems too, because she does not like any of her family members, like her brother, who is rich, but gives most of his money to his housekeeper, and only one million, to Kate. But this one million dollars brings many people to her house, and she is mad, because they killed one of her cats, and she is alone, and scared. These are the family problems in the story. 

The story It’s Like This Cat talks about Dave, taking care of Cat, and all the things that Cat brought to him, like friends. Cat and Dave have very similar characteristics, like they are stressed and are anxious, but they push through these, and work together. Humans are also growing more mature, like Dave and his father, who both stop fighting for their mom, and instead joke around. There are also family problems, like with Kate, because she is alone, and wants to be independent, for her brother, gave her only one million, and gave more to the housekeeper. These are some main themes in  the story.

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