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Book Review of Island of Blue Dolphins

The Island of Blue Dolphins, written by Scott O'Dell, talks about a girl named Karana who grew up abandoned on an island. Karana used to have a father and a brother, but both of them suffered fatal accidents. When the Aleuts came, all the other residents of the village sailed away leaving Karana alone in her home. She couldn't bear to stay on an island that her loved ones were taken from, so she decided to run away. But after a few days of trying to make a shelter and find food, she went back to the island. Here, she is glad to be home and makes weapons, shelter, food, and friends. The friend she meets is an injured wild dog. The reason she hesitated to heal him was that her brother was the victim of one of them. She wanted revenge, but due to kindness and many other thoughts, she took him to her shelter and healed him. After he recovered, his bitterness and curiosity turned softer, and soon became great friends on the island. Karana named the wild dog whom she saved Rontu, and finally, she wasn’t alone. This heartwarming story talks about betrayal, dishonesty, trustfulness, loneliness, and also friendship. Karana, Rontu, and the Aleuts show the perfect example of friendship, enemy, and betrayal.

The Island of Blue Dolphins can show us the importance of friendship and the effect of loss. Karana lost both her most loved ones, and she made friends with her sworn enemy that killed her brother. Trust in friendship is a great way to deal with a loss that we are very regretful of. After Karana’s father and brother passed away, she escaped from the island because it was full of sad memories. But when she came back, she meets Rontu. Due to this friendship, was able to nearly clean out the memories of loss and sadness, and it was nearly all erased due to their friendship. Rontu and Karana are both abandoned on the island, alone with no one. But when they met each other, all their problems changed and were not lonely again. Karana’s father died in a very unfortunate event, and brother died in a wild dog accident. Rontu came along and they built up their friendships to help each other with their problems. Rontu is a wild dog, and Karana wanted revenge on what happened to her brother, but she chose kindness. Friendship and loss can value greatly because without friendship we can not deal with great loss. Karana met Rontu, and that is how she cured her of remembering the time when she lost her loved ones. Even if one witnessed a unbearable accident, kindness from others can affect us greatly.

Lonliness can occur when one’s feelings are hurt and expernced something painful, it is hard to survive with dangers of enemies but sometimes we must take the first step. Loneliness is a terrible and depressing emotion, so two values can help the person with it. The Aleuts were here, after many years they came back. Kara a was lonely, and scared that they would do something to her, just like they did to father. That’s when she met the wounded wild dog, Rontu. Karana and Rontu were both lonely before they met each other. However, with trust, both of them became good friends. Rontu was abandoned from his wild dog group, and Karana is abandoned on an island. Karana healed Rontu, and due to this he slowly came to trust her after realising she was no threat or harm to him, and they formed a strong bond of friendship. Both of them trusted each other, and Karana showed trust by healing Rontu’s wounds. Rontu, in return, gave her a great friend and also a break from being alone so long. Rontu allowed a break from worries and despair on the island consisting of uncountable dangers and only one girl, alone. Karana had sad memories of survival, and happy memories of playing and learning with her villagers. But now, her beloved island was ruined, and she was abandoned. This is loneliness, and it definitely feels bad for the person, so a friend should have trust and help them. Rontu did just so, and it is that, and the source of trust, that made Karana feel better and also gain in a partener. When someone is lonely because of a harmful reason, sometimes we must be the one to help them from dangers and worries.

When we feel distressed and unsure about something, choosing kindness can help us make a good decision and deal with hard feelings. Karana used to be quite vigilant and tense to Rontu because he once killed her brother, but soon realised they did not mean any harm to eathother. She was facing the terrifying and unfair Aleuts, and needed someone to cope with her loneliness. Rontu, before also thought that Karana as a threat to him, and so he was curious and harsh to her when she approached his wounds when he was healed. However, realising that both of them are similar and also mean no harm to eachother, they stopped acting hostile and became great partners in finding supplies for their living. Karana and Rontu faced difficulties just like eachtoher. Karana lost the villagers that once lived on this island and her loving father and brother. Before she met Rontu, she had to survive alone on the island, searching for food and making shelters all by herself. Rontu was injured on the rocks by his own tribe, and they left them there to die. Luckily, Karana saved him at her worst, and she could have killed him with ehr arrow. SHe didn’t choose to do so, though. Rontu was grateful his life was saved, and due to this he tried to become more nie and less hostile towards his hero, Karana. When he changed, so did Karana’s feelings towards him. Even though he once took away her brother’s life, she forgave him, and changed. Changing our feeling and attitude towards something can make things a lot easier to solve and understand.

The Island of Blue Dolphins is a heartwarming story and can teach us many values such as trusting each other and being kind. With these two values, it can show us the importance of friendship and also, how to cure your loneliness. Loneliness could happen to you, or someone else. It is best to help them. by being kind and showing that you are trustworthy. Karana showed trust to Rontu, and so did Rontu in return. They both showed kindness and stopped each other from being stuck in the period of being lonely. They did this by sharing feelings and changing attitudes towards each other. Rontu lost his tribe, and Krana lost her father, brother, and all the residents that once lived on this island. They were somehow the same, and so they helped each other, with their own problems. Rontu was hostile, but due to Karana’s kindness he became more trusted to Karana, and she became more trustworthy to Rontu. Both of the two friends had been hurt, whether physically or mentally. Karana was heartbroken because her family had been taken away, and lost her beloved island. Rontu was hurt and wounded by an arrow. Karana wanted to kill him because he took her brother's life, but due to her kindness, Rontu trusted her, and soon Karana did, too. Friendship is important, but we can achieve it by trusting the person and being kind to them.

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