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Book Review of Island of Blue Dolphins

This story talks about a girl named Karana who lived on the island of Ghalas-at with her tribe. One day the Aleuts, or the people from Europe who have come to hunt seals, came, and left with a battle that killed many of the Ghalas-at tribe members, leaving few, including Karana. The new tribe leader left for another country, sending back a ship that carried everyone there, but missed Karana and her brother Ramo. Ramo dies to a pack of wild dogs, and Karana wants revenge. But when she actually meets the leader of the pack, she decides to save him. Through many more experiences with animals Karana decides that she would never kill an animal again.

It is very possible for people and animals to be companions with each other, and animals deserve to be noticed and respected to the greatest level. On a different perspective, people are a species of animals, so that gives us no reason to be disrespectful to the other species of the animal kingdom. Such respect to nature can be found in Karana, whose heart has truly resonated the greatness of nature and animals. From the sea otter Won-a-nee, to the tamed birds Tainor and Lurai, and finally to her great friend Rontu, nature has also given back Karana her share of reward by giving her animal companions whom she would keep and love for the span of her life. This is to prove that Karana has reached a level of greatness that she was able to blur the boundaries between animals and humans, combining the two as one. Thus, animals should be valued to the same worth that any person would have, and deserves just as much respect as well.

Forgiving others is an act of greatness, and we should try to forgive when others make mistakes. To forgive means to understand and tolerate others when they make a mistake, no matter how big. As long as they try to fix their wrongdoings, then they deserve to be forgiven. In the story Island of the Blue Dolphins, such forgiveness is shown through both Karana as well as her dog, Rontu. When Karana first found Rontu injured and near dying, she forgave him for killing Ramo and healed him. Rontu also forgave Karana, who killed many of his pack before. Karana and Rontu show a great level of forgiveness, and should be very much respected through such great forgiving of killing. Therefore, when others make mistakes, it is our job to forgive them, as long as they themselves try to make up for their mistakes.

Once people have forgiven, it would be of especial benefit for them to reestablish trust in the forgiven. Trusting is essentially the act, or more accurately, a concept of believing that someone will do as they say. Such trust is what establishes the most basic form of friendship, as well as the bond that forms relationships. This type of true trust and friendship is found in Karana as well as her dog, Rontu. After they have both forgiven each other for their misdoings, they both realized that they had to trust each other to become true companions. From such trust they were able to establish a bond between her and Rontu, which is to last for the remainder of Rontu's life. The power of trust as this is extraordinary. From such we can find that Karana and Rontu had truly forgiven each other and had developed true trust. Therefore, true trust is something of extreme value, the base for friendship, the fundamentals for companionship, having such power to maintain lifelong.

This story is fun and entertaining, talking about how a girl named Karana survived being stranded on an island with a dog. This story is very interesting itself, and it is a huge pleasure to just read it, but there are deeper, more important ideas to be learned from the story. It tells us how people and animals should be of the same value, the essentialness of forgiving, as well as establishing trust after forgiving. These three things might not look as important, but they will turn out to be throughout our lives. They guide us away from our deepest worries and into sunshine and confidence. They help us become wiser than we are now, and would help us make better choices. These important things will last us all our lives, so we should take notice of them now, so we could be benefited by them earlier, which would be very good for us. As you can see, this book is very good, and it tells us of important things essential to a good, happy life.

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