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Book review of Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins

Basic elements:

Characters: Mama, I, sister, brother, dad


Plot: The black people are not allowed to sit in the restaurant.

The story Freedom on the menu: the Greensboro Sit-Ins talks about one African Americans’ fight. First only white people can sit in the restaurant. There are a lot of place with the white-only signs. The African Americans are not satisfied and angry. One day they sit on the white people’s chair. They want to express their feelings. The girl Connie’s brother and sister join the sit-ins. The sister is arrested in jail. At last, the African Americans can eat in the restaurants.

Racism is the discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race. Just like in this story, there are a lot of places that African Americans can’t go. They can’t sit on the white people’s seats in the bars or restaurants. They can’t go to the swimming pools or bath rooms with the white-only signs. They could not vote, join some leagues or marry to the white. They can not take buses or the same compartment of train. The separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life is called racial segregation.

African Americans are fighting for racism and segregation. Dr. Martin Luther King joined and led marches for the right to vote, labor rights and other civil rights. He is killed because of his fighting. Another people is Rosa Park. She refused to give the seat to the white people in the bus. She is caught to the jail. Then the Montgomery Bus Boycott happened after that. Then the African Americans no need to give the seats to white people.

We can segregate the people with their skin colors. Racism is a bad way to rule the country. Racism segregation is not fair to African Americans. White people and African Americans are equal. Those African Americans who fight for civil rights are very brave, such as Dr King and Rosa Park. They express their anger and fight with white people so African Americans could get better treatments and have more rights.

In conclusion, this story is a very meaningful story. I learn about the history of the United States. I know how the African Americans are treated and fight for their rights. We can judge people by his skin color. I also learn a writing skill. The writer uses the symbolism in the story. The banana split symbolizes human right. First Connie can’t eat it in a restaurant and she finally gets it. This story is wonderful and I hope you can read it too. I’m sure you will learn a lot from the story.

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