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Book review of Freedom on the Menu: The Greensboro Sit-Ins

Characters: Connie, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Dr. king

Setting: Greensboro

Plot: there has many places that the African American people can not go

Genre: Non-fiction

The story Freedom on the menu : Greensboro sit-ins written by Connie talks about a long time ago, in Greensboro, there are many signs that told us where the the African American could go and where they couldn’t go, and on day, Dr. king goes to the Greensboro, and many people goes to the places where the white people goes, and there are many police and. At last, some laws are broken.

In some places, there will be segregation and racism, and some people will try to break the law. Racism is like if we are a race, and they are a race, they may be very different from us, but we live in one place, and we discrimination they, and that is called racism. In the story the white people are racist. There is racism in the story. Racism is in many places in the world.

There are many wars in the world, and there is some war between African American and the United States too. People will fight for something they want, like they want the places, they want the food, or they want the money. In the story, the African American and the Americans began a no fighting war. In the story there began a war. There are some war between the African American and American.

I think there should not be the racism and segregation, we are both born in humans, there would not be racism and segregation. We are all the people, we should de worked together, and there will be no fighting and no discrimination. In the story, there has discrimination and at last, some laws are broke. There has racism and segregation in the story. Racism and segregation is not good.

In conclusion, this story tells us a true story that is long ago, there are many places that the African American can go and where they can’t go,but when one day Dr. king does to the town to give a speech, many people join the sit-ins, and at the last, the laws are broke. It tells us about the wars and the racism and the segregation. I like this book very much.

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